Thursday, July 24, 2014


Silhouette 7/24/2014

Babies come from mothers
But zombies fall from the sky
Strange, ghastly
Murdered and mute.

Lies makes sense
but the truth is hard to believe
Stranger than fiction
And more horrifying
Than what you hear.

The thinking man searches
And deliberates
But a fool eats it up
Swallowing the hook.

But deception can wear thin
And eventually all will see
If they are courageous enough
To notice. 

We can log in
But still remain disconnected
As we stare at the mirage
Tailored to perfection.  

But rain connects us together
With endless rivulets of glass
Coursing and falling
Like blood, meade, and mash.

Time ebbs and flows
Running through our fingers
Lulling us to sleep
And jolting us awake.

Are you awake today?
Or have you fallen back asleep?
Because there is always more to come
Just out of view.

Knee deep in lies
And knee deep in blood
We spit upon the sacrifice
Of the good and the dead.

Becoming the fodder of evil men
To be brokered, gambled, and spent
An inexpensive price
For power and hate.

I am not the only one
But all the knowledge in the world
Is meaningless
Without courage and conviction.

We have excuses
And we have explanations
Painstakingly convoluted
And eternally dumb.

But the arrow points true
In the heart and in the mind
Begging us to listen
And crying for our attention.   

We can always stop and stare
Or we can deduce and discern 
Because evil lurks in the shadows
Always waiting for us
To turn our backs around. 

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