Monday, September 30, 2013

Until Next

 Tumbledown 9/30/2013

Just as easy as it comes
Life slips away
By some kind of random accident
We are born
And we die.

We forget more than we learn
And it is by the smallest of margins
That we ever opened our eyes
And breathed.

We stop and we stare
And wonder at the loss
But they happen every day
Just like miracles and dreams.

As time goes by
Our options get smaller
As our numbers dwindle
And our defenses grow weak. 

But we learn as we grow
And as we watch others
Rise, bleed and fall
The horror self-evident
And all caught on tape.

If time runs on forever
How do you think it will look?
As one thing leads to another
And everything comes undone.

As corruption multiplies
And all the boundaries collapse
With nothing sacred
Except savagery, and greed.

Legislated out of existence
By numbers and lies
The good herded 
Into ever smaller areas
To be hunted at will. 

The fall isn’t hard to see
If you think and remember
That this isn’t the first time
And it may not be the last.

Good luck with your story
And good luck with your math
Because the dumb and the blind
Always kill for more.

The lie is getting bigger
But the truth can still be found
Larger and larger
And burning in our minds.

It is not enough to try
And it is not enough to reason
But only to forgive
And prepare to stand.   

Tomorrow may yet bring joy
Because love can never truly die
But even in the midst of hope
We are frail sacks of flesh. 

No one knows when
But nothing lasts forever
Except for the promise
That we have all but forgotten.

Carry me home
And help me to remember
All that gave me a reason
To get up and try
Again and again. 

Help me to see
What remains invisible
And help me to know
When to start. 

But even in loss
There is always a chance
For something better
And something new.  

We shall yet spread our wings 
And fly through the barriers
From one place to another 
In and out of time.   

Friday, September 27, 2013

More or Less

More or Less   9/27/2013

If you think you are great
Then you are nothing
But if you live selflessly
You have already won. 

Small men brag
And smaller men boast
But to grasp at greatness
We should think of others first.

We are dangling between worlds
As one dies
And another emerges
Suffering through the death throes
Of all that is, left behind.

The blood of the good
Has dried on the floor
But the call goes up
And the ripples go out.

The arrogant shall fall 
And they shall fall hard
Because their greatness was given
And all their power artificial.

Say goodbye to what was
But not before
Many more shall bleed
But even those who die
Shall live.

You can survive anything
And those who have faced death
Know it better than anyone
Slipping through every crack
All the way down. 

Enjoy today
With a wink and a smile
Because all we can do
Is try. 

The horse has left the barn
And all that must happen 
Will happen
As we live and remain
All that we are. 

Those I have loved
Are with me still
And the walls cannot hold me
As I fly from day to day.

The duality has split apart
And what was weak
Will become strong
And all that, appears powerful
Will melt away.

I am new again
And the grip of the past
Is loosened
All things provided
And all powers given. 

Today can be greatest day
If we can only choose
Who it is we accept
And who it is we love. 

Giving ourselves over fully
And living according to conviction
Standing up
And never standing down.  

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wall to Wall

Wall to Wall 9/26/2013

On the top floor
The room was above the clouds
And it felt like heaven
As we all floated on a bed of white
Far removed
From the chaos below.

We were in meeting
And she was also there
A moment in time
That I thought would last forever.

But something has changed
And I have fallen to earth
Never again to rise to such a height
And never again to dream. 

Something happened in my sleep
Because someone drained all my blood
Replacing it with a black sludge
Inky, dark, and dead.

I force myself to rise
And I go through the motions
But I am not the same
And never will be again. 

The sun still shines
And the wind still blows
But like everything else
It is strangely muted and gray. 

Today I try
And so also will come tomorrow
Easy or hard
I slog on through. 

I never learned the real reason
And I guess I never will
But whatever it is
It doesn’t matter now. 

People, places and things
Ebb and flow
Rising and falling
Ceaselessly as the tide.

But I remain
Inside myself
The only occupant
Left in the tower. 

But all is not lost
Because all of us are here
Still living with the chance
To choose forever. 

Every day and every hour
Are still full of chances
As we get to live over
The rest of our lives

May we all yet understand
What it is
That we must ask
Because I am not done
And this is not the end.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Silence of the Damned     9/24/2013

Another day
And another beating
As the crickets chirp
And the wind drives by.

Silence is golden
But today the silence speaks
As everyone can see
What it means
And where it leads.

Even an animal
Kills for food
And none of them laugh
Or act like fools. 

The world burns
And the good are slaughtered
While we look the other way
And pretend we are safe.

The message is for you
And the message is for me
Loud, clear, and horrifying
And no one does a thing.

Others have stood
And they are the accused
Vilified for doing what they must
And what anyone would do. 

Something evil has happened
And crawled up on the shore
Creeping slowly through the weeds
Unchecked and unseen.

We left the back door open
And now it waits for us to weaken
Waiting until we can no longer
Rise or defend. 

The clock is ticking 
But there is still 
A lot left to happen.

Because even though evil
May have its way
All of it shall end
And be gone in a day. 

Swift shall be the judgment
And final shall be the sentence
Without excuses
Or pardons.

The words
Have never been more clear
And woe to them
Who call evil good
And good they call evil. 

Drop off the treadmill
And stop feeding the beast
Careful who you reward
And what you do. 

This world and all its power
Is nothing compared to faith
And soon the blood of the good
Shall be avenged
Ten times 
Ten thousand.  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Purple Passion

Purple Passion  9/23/2013

You can get sick
Or you can get better
But it’s better to be alive
Than it is to be safe. 

There is no safety
If you run
Or if you hide
But only those who stand
Shall see what it means.

Everyone is waving their hands
So that we will be distracted and dumb
While the knife slips in and out
And back in again. 

While we argue about semantics
And imaginary rights
Freedom is assaulted
And left bleeding in the rain. 

Without true freedom
Life is worthless
As we become living mummies
Rigid, dried out, and dead.

Some may call you crazy
And others may call you a hater
But beware the foolish
Who are what they accuse.

We can do almost anything
If only we believed
And if only we tried
Unafraid and alive
Wild, fearless and free.

Even in loss
There is possibility
And although doors may shut
There will always remain
One that is open. 

Just because we cannot see it
Does not mean
That its not there
And just because we cannot weigh it
Does not mean
That it is trash.

How many lives have been wasted?
Because they were ridiculed
As they allowed others
To limit their dreams.

I am pulling for you
And it is you
Who keeps me going
Even though I do not know
The day will come
When all is known. 

Everything we love
And everything we lost
Is still here
Waiting for us to discover
All that we
Can become. 

Let go of the heartache
And release all the shame
Letting yourself be
And know
All is well.

We shall yet feast together
And drink the finest wine
The kind we have longed for
But have never
Yet tasted.