Friday, August 30, 2013

The Weekend

The Weekend 8/30/2013

It can be difficult
To know what to do
If you don’t know
Who you are. 

And it’s hard to believe
The truth
If you have been lied to
All of your life. 

We are set apart
And have wandered the world
Traveling from one place to another
And always searching
For home. 

We are hated
By those who don’t even know
But they will hate us anyway
No matter what we do. 

So why not live?
And why not laugh?
Enjoying today
What will never last.

Eat, drink
Love and laugh
Because today we are together
And tomorrow
I don’t know. 

Words are words
But they are written
For a reason
Full of promises and secrets
From a long time ago.

The hard stuff comes
But even then
It never lasts forever
And yet we survive
And still believe. 

Wherever we have been
And whatever we have done
All fades away
Into what we do
And who we are.

If we believe
And if we ask
Then all things will work
For what is best.

I have not given up
So neither should you
Today let us love
And crack a knowing smile. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Simmer 8/29/2013

If I could do it all over 
I would dive right in
Plunging myself into her heart 
Where I could burn forever.    

But it doesn't make a lot of difference
If this is where I am
As my thoughts turn dark 
And dream that I am awake.

A lot of things 
Once made me angry
But not anymore
Now that the past is stripped away
And there is nothing left to lose.

Now I am free
And now I know 
That I will survive, even this 
Without a grudge 
Or pain.
The anxiety disappears
When you realize the truth
That there is nothing to fear at all
Not even failure
Or death. 

Nothing great will ever happen
As long as we fear humiliation
Because nothing ever changes
Without risk and ridicule. 

You can see it everywhere
Because the glue has lost its grip
And everything is falling apart
As the cracks begin to widen. 

Light pierces the darkness
And now the awakening begins
As we reel from one nightmare
To another. 

The thin veil is starting to tear
And we can share with each other
As the darkness of centuries
Can break in an hour. 

Now more than ever
We can see the truth 
Even in a deluge of lies 
The truth shines through.

No one is pretending 
And now you can see all the faces 
Threatening, ugly and dumb
Evil, stunted, and dead.

Explosions can shake the earth
And rip us to shreds
But something deeper is happening
Behind closed doors.

The breaking point is always the worst
And that is where
Desperate men think of murder
As they seek to keep
All that they have stolen.

Power is seductive 
And it makes men kill and plot
Savoring every last indulgence 
Over all that they love
And all that they hate.

They can crush many
But they cannot change the truth
As they grow ever more angry
And apoplectic. 

Let them burn
Because now I am happy
Thinking of what I have seen
And where I am going.

I will be in her
And she will be in me
All of us together
And better than we were.

We already have
Every victory
And already possess
Everything we need.

Our fire is eternal
And our destiny decided
As once and forever
Our spirits fly free.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Choke  8/28/2013

We sit at artificial desks
With artificial positions
Working in buildings
With artificial light. 

Told what to think
And how much we are worth
Without regard to character
Or intelligence.

Something’s you can’t see
But you can definitely feel
Like the colorless odorless mist
Killing your brain
One cell at a time. 

Suffocating your dreams
And crushing your spirit
With heartless and mindless control
Over everything we do.

Forced to pretend
That everything is fair
When you have always known
That it’s not
And never will be. 

We talk more than we do
And we give, just to get
Duplicating the same mistakes
Over and over again.

Like a monster
With tentacles everywhere
Seeking more and more
To manipulate and ruin.

All for a lie
The biggest lie of all
And all out of hatred
Cold, dark, and cruel. 

I have seen it many times
And nothing will ever change
Not without the truth
And sacrifice. 

The dance with death
Is slow and painful
And our partner does nothing
But remind us
That we to, will surely die.

We distract ourselves
With amusements
Shallow and thin
While the world around us burns
Just inches away.

It doesn’t help to worry
And it doesn’t help to cry
But desperation is deadly
And just what he wants. 

The plague is here
Because it never left
But was only hiding in the shadows
Until the temperature was right.

Macabre images appear in clouds
And inside our hearts
Our passion grows cold
Growing dimmer and dimmer
Every single day. 

Pray for me
As I pray for you
Against all the odds
That we shall survive
And still believe. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Orange Crush

Orange Crush 8/27/2013

I drove my motorcycle in large circles
Lazily around the parking lot
Waiting for you to come out
The last day I was young
Three lifetimes ago.

We walked along the beach
And watched the setting sun
Orangish, Pinkish,
Beautiful, and surreal. 

I can still feel the breeze
Ruffle through my shirt
And the cool water
Washing over my feet. 

I was there
But I was really here
And now that I am  here
God, I wish I was there.

But isn’t that life
Slipping us by
Running down our fingers
Like a popsicle
On a hot summer day. 

Back then my eyes were closed
And back then,
I didn’t understand
Uncomfortable in my own skin
And awkward as hell.

The sun sank
And left a black velvety darkness
Covering us over
And bringing you closer

I could feel the electricity
Prickling my every pore
As all possible worlds opened up
Just for us to explore.

But there must have been
Other plans for me
And for you
Because it’s always then
That everything falls apart.

It’s always something
And still it is now
As routine obligations
Change everything
And waste our time.

We both left
And I didn’t think ahead
Blind and still afraid
To find out more. 

I always had a foolish belief
That life would work out
Without effort or risk
But that was then
And this is now. 

I thought I would see you again
And I thought that, we would have
A million more chances
To live it all over again. 

My tires lost traction after that
And it took me years
To understand
All that I might have had
But lost along the way. 

Some friends remain
Long after the others have gone
But most have drifted away
And down with the current.

But here I type
Worn down and haggard
But a whole lot wiser
And humble. 

Now I know
That its okay to lose
And now I understand
That rejection isn’t so hard.

We were not the first
To be crushed
And we are not the only ones
That have been forgotten. 

I remember it all
And smile at the ruins
Because all this and so much more
Still awaits
All who ask.    

My heart is free
And it feels good to share
Because the best part survives
Rebellious to the core.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Guts   8/26/2013

Something’s cannot keep
Because they will rot and fester
Growing mold
And spreading disease. 

The rotten wood crumbles to dust
And the whole house
Collapses on itself
A paper thin facade
With nothing to back it up. 

You can say it today
And you repeat it for 100 years
But a lie is still a lie
And nothing lasts forever. 

Some people live without a spark
And will never understand
But the fire burns within us
And there is no putting it out. 

If you cannot see it
Then you are not looking
And if you refuse to know
Then you are blind and dumb. 

I know what it feels like
To be hopeless and alone
But never for a minute
Did I blame a stranger
Or beat the innocent.  

The world can be merciless
And people can be cruel
But the greater man finds a way
Through faith and action. 

No longer do I believe
Everything that I hear
And no longer can you trust
What you see on TV.

Others can laugh
And others may lie
But the clock is ticking downwards
Every second
And every day. 

I can pick on my scabs
Or I can let them heal
But what we do is a choice
And I have made mine. 

When the windows are opened
And the door is kicked in
The whole artificial world
Will fall on itself.

When everything falls apart
It will pay to be loyal
To what is true
And what is real.