Monday, April 30, 2012

The Ledge of Darkness

The Ledge of Darkness 4/30/2012

From the ledge
The void calls
Pulling us downwards
Head over heels.

The great abyss
Is more powerful than gravity
A forceful attraction
Drawing us backwards
Into the dark.

It is by the smallest of margins
That we do not give in
Falling backwards into a black hole
And pulling everything with us.

And it is easy
To be confused
As we second guess wisdom
And doubt the obvious.

Safety can numb the mind
And time 
Can dim our vision
Until we no longer see
The truth and the light.

We still have the thoughts
But by habit
We supress them 
Ignoring the voice of truth
Until it falls silent.

What does it take
For a man to awaken?
And what should it take
For the good to rise?

And how can you defeat an enemy
If you cannot define him?
And how can problems be solved
If you cannot say what it is?

It is by chance that we are here
And it is a miracle
That I am here at all
Still struggling against doubt
And endless indecision.

The worst enemy
Is the one inside
Inside the walls
And inside your head.

The one who plays with your emotions
And manipulates your thoughts
Knowing all your dreams
And exploiting all your desires.

Working against our weaknesses
With a singleness of mind
Never missing an opportunity
To tempt us with death.

The first step may seem harmless
And the next may be easy
As we hesitantly explore
The beauty of the black.

With each step
We grow a little bolder
Because nothing seems to happen
To the strong and immortal.

But from the bottom
Looking backwards
Many have cried out in vain
Succumbing to the madness
Far from where they started.

We all want to see the black
And we all want to destroy
For it is the nature of man
Fallen and lost.

But genius is never far from madness
And the good should know the difference
Because there is nothing worse than indifference
Pulling us downwards
To death.

Some may read tea leaves
And some may slaughter
And sacrifice
But the truth is only as far
As courage and conviction. 

We can walk off
Or we can fall off
But either way it does not matter
Because now is the time to decide
Who, where, why and when.

Insanity is easy
Because it never changes
The same old problems
With the same old solutions.

Pushing back
Is hard
But holding on
Is even harder.

Because to know is to act
And to deny is to lose
Inching ever closer
And falling forever.

Look inside
To find the truth
And consult the spirit of ages
But never fear
What you see
Because there is always hope
Where there is vision.

Darkness cannot defeat truth
But it takes courage to see it through
For many a man has hesitated
And many a man has fallen.

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