Friday, April 20, 2012

First Flight

First Flight 4/20/2012

Everyone has doubts
And everyone has pain
Even though we may be jealous
And even though
We complain.

If you never had
A long dark night
Then maybe you haven’t lived
And if you never laid awake
Then maybe you are dreaming.

The arrogant and the vain
Love to brag and boast
Self appointed demi gods
Who only worship themselves.

Yes this world
It belongs to them
The self absorbed and foolish
But that is ok
Because I don't want it
Or need it anyway.

It is all just an illusion
And it is all just a joke
A temporary pacifier
And a momentary
Puff of smoke.

They can have their glory
And they can wear
Their pressed tin crowns
Praising themselves
All the way down.

As for me
Give me freedom
And give me art
Sea salt in my face
And a fire in my heart.

Let the bells ring out
And let the birds cry
That there is still beauty
And inspiration.

Let me live an authentic life
And let me remain
The essential me
Living and loving
My own kind of way.

We are not long on this earth
And our lives pass
Like the flash of a rain drop
Falling down a silver string.

So let it flow
And bubble in all directions
As free as a bird
Soaring high
And diving fast.

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