Wednesday, April 18, 2012

If you loved me

If you Loved Me 4/18/2012 Rob McManus

If you loved me
Then maybe you would know
What it is that I dream
And what it is
That I want.

But I don’t expect
Any miracles
And don’t bother to ask
If I believe in happy endings.

That is for the romantics
And that is for the foolish
Those who think a feeling
Is more important than truth.

My feelings change
A hundred times a day
And my emotions
Are like a stormy sea.

If I drifted with it
I would be lost forever
Sinking in the deep
And rotting at the bottom.

But I have rigged my sails
And I shall use a compass
Cutting through
No matter the cost.

Names and faces change
And we may fall out of favor
But the truth remains
And nothing else
Can compare.

I have looked out
And took it
Full on the face
Enduring the blows
One after another.

And what a terrible weight
Is the burden of loyalty
Weighing you down with obligation
And drudgery.

But what would I be
And what would I become
If my love meant nothing
But happiness and pleasure.

Here one season
And then gone in another
Flying south
When the cold winds came.

But I would rather be the hated
Than sit around and pretend
And the worst of all is indifference
Cold, dead, and cruel.

No, that is for the shallow
That that is for the foolish
Living on borrowed time
Half asleep and dreaming.

Cut me down
Or cut me to pieces
Just never leave me hanging
And drifting in doubt.

Kick, scream
And dye your hair pink
But never give in
And never give up.

Think, dream
And drag me along
But never be afraid
That I might not understand.

The unsaid is the worst
And the truth is always better
Than walking on egg shells
Or parsing words.

But never lose your wit
And never lose your heart
Dragging me into the madness
That I know and love.

Others can have their safety
If that is what they call it
And they can keep up their appearance
No matter what it costs.

But I’ll take the fire
Any day and any way
Even if it hurts
And even if I cry.

There are some things
We may never understand
And some dreams that will always
End up

But stick with me
And I’ll stick with you
Even though it hurts
And even though it’s hard.

We might lose
Just as often
As we win
But as long as there’s a choice
You will never lose me.

There is nothing like living
And I have lived it both ways
Suffering enough to learn
The better of the two.

The hatred of a few
Can spoil the love of many
And the hatred of many
Poisons the world.

But the unselfish love
Of even one
Can make all the difference
Healing every wound

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