Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Blacker 5/1/2012 By Rob McManus

The future happens fast
At a high rate of speed
Flashing by at an instant
Until they blur
And melt away.

Pieces spin in the air
And disappear in the smoke
As a cloud of blood
Explodes everywhere. 

Glass and mirrors become a mosaic
As metal burns metal
Grinding and twisting
Until nothing remains. 

It only takes a second
To change everything you know
But help is always
Minutes or hours away. 

Projectiles fill the air
And rain sideways
In sheets
Like an iron waterfall
Of hot gray lead.

Another day
And another night
Slowly dying inside of myself
Used up and thrown aside
With tubes and needles
Everyplace and everywhere. 

The quick and the dead
And the good and the guilty
At high noon in America
Inexplicable and horrific.

Sweating and shivering on the couch
Without any hope at all
Unable to go on
And unable to stop
In a night of a hundred deaths
Not far from here

You may never know
What it feels like
To call out for help
And get no answer. 

To plead for mercy
And be cut off at the knees
By the cruel and unmerciful
And left to die in a ditch.

Let the sun burn away
And the wounds bleed
Festering and throbbing
In the cold dark sun.

My heart is black
Blacker than black
Blacker than the suit I wore
When I said goodbye
Darker than the midnight sun
On the other side of the world.

Squeeze shut your eyes
And cup your hands
Over your ears
To forget the day
And sleep in a hole.

Dream a dream of perfection
Because that is all you’ll get
Nothing but a ride down a highway
In a long black car.

Spin your wheels
And try with all your might
But you can’t get far
If someone else
Holds the keys.

Tell the pretty women
To all leave this place
Because I can’t look anymore
Without dying. 

Tell the fools and the liars
That this dead ender is done
Because I have had enough
For a hundred lifetimes.

I am coming for them
In a single minded fury
With nothing left to lose
And the whole world to gain
Black as night
And black as death.

I am the pale angel
With a heart of blackened iron
As I take up my wings
On my way to paradise.

I shall come down
Faster and faster
With the air stinging my face
Coming home with furious anger
Stirring up hell
In a cloud of dust.

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