Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ghost of a Chance

Ghost of a Chance 4/10/2012

A proud man
Is never sorry
But a humble man
Acknowledges his errors.

Evil spreads like cancer
Killing everything
And everyone.

The war is in our minds
And we pay dearly
For every bloody inch
Millimeter by millimeter
Day after day.

We can walk the distance
Until our hearts
Are bled white
But we cannot win
Until we have learned.

Evil hides behind a mask
Hidden but barely concealed
Because arrogance hates anonymity
And craves adulation.

He feigns indifference
And mentions not the victims
Because he holds them
In vicious contempt.

But a good man
Knows the truth
And will defend it right and left
Without holding back
And without apology.

The silence of the dead
Will not last forever
And even ghosts
Will have their chance
To snatch victory
From death.

The weak minded
Are bought with bread and soup
But the truly great
Thirst for something more.

Something more lasting than status
And something more authentic
Than praise
But a beautiful future
Of merit and grace.

We become the decisions we make
And we are
What we always were
And there is no apology needed.

The road to death is easy
But the road of the good is hard
Full of thorns and derision
And shunned by foolish men.

Come away with me
Because I have followed others
And I shall never give in
And I shall never give up.

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