Friday, April 27, 2012

Black and Blue

Black and Blue  4/27/2012

Struck down through the heart
And bleeding on the floor
Another day older
And none the wiser.

I have watched the damage unfold
And seen it roll over my life
Crashing down all I built
And wrecking all my dreams.

Taking away my treasure
And stripping me of safety
Leaving me feeling hopeless
And so very alone.

But to know the feeling
Is to understand
That without loss
There could never be victory.

To fully feel the loss
And finally understand
That without tears
There would be no soul searching
And without heartbreak
There could be no renewal.

Sometimes we deserve what we get
And sometimes we don’t
But nothing is harder than unjust suffering
The kind that crushes you down.

The kind of unrelenting pressure
That haunts your every move
As you try and pick up the pieces
And start all over.

Some people give up
And drown in despair
Swallowed up by depression
In a black hole of death.

And others lash out
In blind hatred
Abusing everyone around them
In useless fits of rage.

But the good must press on
Even though its painful
Getting up and moving
One foot in front of the other.

Because life doesn’t stop
Just because we suffer
And there will always be others
Who desperately need
What we have learned.

In the end
It’s not about us
And that is the hardest lesson of all
That only loving others
Can ever heal the spirit.

I have many more things to say
And I have many more loves to cherish
Filling in and filling up
Just where I needed it most.

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