Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chilton Park

Chilton Park  4/26/2012 

We stopped at Chilton Park
And played football in the leaves
That golden fall day
Years ago
And far away.

All the family was together
And we rolled around
In the grass
Laughing and cavorting
In an otherwise forgotten day. 

I can still smell the air
And I feel my wool sweater
As my daughter and my sons
Jumped on top of me. 

Just another unscheduled memory
That shows up from time to time
Filed away with the others
In the cobwebs
Of my mind.   

So much has happened
That words alone
Cannot describe
And so far did I fall
That I barely know
That man at all.

He was sure
And he was happy
Just biding his time
Before a rich harvest. 

He didn’t need to search
Because happiness
Was all around him
Enough to last forever.

Images flash in our minds
And memories are flecked with gold
The edges softened
And glowing with warmth.

There is always joy
And there are always
New beginnings
But nothing is ever as intense
As the first glimpse
Of glory.

I have started again
But nothing is the same
Because now I have awakened
And now
I know.

I may never return
Because there is nothing left
Nothing but a ghost town
Far away from here.

I play with my baby
And yes I love him so
As innocent and as perfect
As any son could be.

But I wonder
What I should tell him
When he is old enough to know
About life, love, 
And rolling with the blows.

Should I tell him
That the good always triumph?
And should I tell him
That love conquers all?

Or should I prepare him
For the sudden losses
Or for the inevitable heartbreak
That always visits the innocent
And kills the noble.

These are the questions
That I still do not know
As I climb out of bed
And rise to another day. 

Here I am
And so also are you
Facing the challenge
Of another thankless day.

But remember
That even if it hurts
And even if you know
We can always build others up
Rather than tear them down.

Tonight when I return
I know what I will do
Striving to give him memories
That last forever.

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