Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Concrete Paradise

Concrete Paradise 4/17/2012

Sleep if you can sleep
But if you can’t
They maybe you will notice
The silence of the deep
And the darkness of the hole.

When I sleep
I dream dreams
And when I wake up
I dream that they are real.

I glide on the streets
And travel back in time
Over the concrete hills
To a paradise
Long lost and found.

Welcome to the shadows
And welcome to the dark
Where it’s always in the middle
Of an endless restless night

A deep heavy atmosphere
Weighs down on our heads
Covering the world
Thick, wet
And blacker than black.

There is a strange calm
And a stillness to the air
Filled with anticipation
For something to appear.

They have seen me
And I have seen them
But they have never known me
And see what they want.

I have seen hatred
And I have seen contempt
Not because of who I am
But what I represent.

Others may imagine
That you are evil
Or that you are good
But seldom do they search
Their own hidden heart.

This is it
A concrete paradise
Of uneven sidewalks
And graffiti
Where all the metal is rusty
And all the glass is broken.

I have my crucifix
And I have my ancient art
Covering my skin
In symbols and Latin

The ivy has its tendrils
And it has grown over the wall
Covering up my name
Where I once wrote it
So very long ago.

Such are the forgotten
And such are the first
Because we all soon forget
What we were
And what we are.

You can either come on out
Or hide behind a corpse
Holding onto the resentments
That have all been
Beat to death.

I was born different
And I have become who I am
A different creature
And for different reasons.

I asked for something greater
And I opened up my heart
Deciding at the last possible moment
What it is
That I believe.

I could have given up
And I could have given in
But instead I reached inward
To find somthing more.

Deep down inside
We have the secrets in our heart
But it dies without nourishment
And it withers without love.

All is not as it seems
And be careful how you think
Changing not your heart by association
Or your respect by shame.

Look deeper
And peer inside yourself
Confronting the truth between the lies
And searching out the reasons
From one to the next.

The pavement is cold
And the pavement is hot
But in the end it feels the same
Hard, cracked
Impersonal and dead.

If my eyes are the devils
Than God will search them out
But if a man is good
Then what is there to doubt?
And what is there to fear?

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