Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Talisman

The Talisman 4/3/2012

Gather around the wrinkle
And look at the time
Because this is just one moment
In a million connected points.

All just a slice of the same
Stetched out and looped over
The same piece of bread
And the same dream of man.

Yesterday is as close
As a thousand years
And tomorrow contains everything
Every thought and every man.

We spin our wheels
And trap ourselves in illusions
Unable to escape
From length, width, and depth.

Space spreads out forever
But it also curves over itself
Invisibly connected
By any two points in time.

Leaping forward
Or looking backwards
We shall all fall into place
Each exactly where we
Always were.

The proof is inside
Inside the eye of the mind
Hidden in inaccessible memories
Completely forgotten.

Dream for me
In the sleep of the night
Because I lay awake
And pray for tomorrow.

Remembering the feelings
That I once felt
And contemplating the future
That I have lost.

There are many more things
That only ghosts can know
A secret knighthood
Invisible and remote.

Sprits we remember
Riding on white horses
Galloping across the sky
Coming back
Exactly on time.

Paint me a picture
In white, gray, and black
In muted tones of forgetfulness
Indistinct and blurred.

Memory paints the future
In a surreal fashion
As we try and recreate
What we never understood.

We should be known
By how we live
And not what we are
A sum greater than measurement
And a value more than weight.

We are connected today
By odds greater than the world
A bigger number than I can imagine
But for a reason
We do not yet know
Here we are.

Laugh at doubt
And think of all the possibilities
Because anything is possible
In the here and now.

Stick your head out the window
And tell the world what you think
Unafraid of the consequences
Fearless and free.

Be happy and be sad
Dissappointed but never discouraged
Waving the bloody banners
Overflowing with passion.

Let the droplets fall
And let the blood splatter
Watering the earth
With life and promise.

I have the memories
Hidden in my pocket
And love makes me immortal
Never used
And never faded.

Don’t worry if you don’t know
And do not doubt
If you don’t understand
Because in time
All things will be known,
Healed, and completed.

We will have back
All that we lost
Because that is, who we are
And where, we will return.

Mystery is golden
And faith shall calm the heart
Stirring across the centuries
In a circle of human thought.

No one knows it all
And there is nothing wrong with that
Because life is for living
All the way in
And all the way out.

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