Monday, April 16, 2012

Drag and Drop

Drop and Drag 4/16/2012

Flagged, tagged and bagged
Another day is almost over
As it bleeds into
A long and restless night.

Tension builds
And then it explodes
Heads busted over nothing
And shot full of holes.

Someone will clean it up
And somebody will ask the questions
While others wring their hands
And blame someone else.

Passions flare
And accidents happen
But life drags on
Long after
The pavement shatters bone.

You can say what you want
But wise people
Can always see the signs
Knowing what the truth is
Hidden between the lines.

And I walk down the street
Without holding back
Larger than life
And living it all
As loud as I can.

Just as free
As I am fearless
Because I am not impressed
And I am not scared.

And there is no need to argue
And no need to explain
Because I have heard it all before
And it doesn’t change a thing.

We try so hard
And we plan for the future
Like we think we have forever
And any of it matters.

But nothing ever lasts
And nothing ever remains
At least nothing you can measure
Or hold in your hands.

I will live until I die
And that is all
I know for sure
But that doesn’t make me lose
What I never owned at all.

Others can do this
Or they can do that
But I what should I care
Hold it, love it, or kill it
I am not coming back
Until I get the limit.

A heart full of poison
And a bag full of bones
Walking backwards to the beginning
With my head over my shoulder.

Everything happens
And everything waits
As reality splits off
Into different possibilities
Branching out
Into eternity.

But the secret
Is between the branches
Just waiting for us to grow
And understand
When we are wise enough to learn
And good enough to know.

Nothing is lost
And nothing is over
But all remains
Hidden and waiting.

And that is the reason
For good men to smile
That nothing is forever
Except love and dreams.

We shall have it all
Just as soon as we know
And slip on through
From here to the next.

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