Monday, April 2, 2012

Dead Drummer Smash

Dead Drummer smash 4/2/2012

The trees are silent
But I can sense it anyway
The smell of the rain
And that sickly sweet odor
Of damp, and decaying flesh.

I was walking in the woods
Where we stacked the logs
To season through the summer
For the fires of the fall.

I knew that something had died
Because I could sense it in my bones
Something horrible and bloody
Dead and rotting.

There is something in the woodpile
And there is something in the attic
A grim and deadly reminder
Of miscalculation
And death.

Some kind of animal
Has burrowed and died
Clawing its way in
But unable to get out.

You can see it
And you can feel it
The hidden skeletons
In every mans house.

If dead men could dream
Would they dream of the living?
And if the dead could talk
Who would they accuse?

Rising up out of their graves
All twisted and deformed
Broken and rotting
Dried out and frozen.

A long and bony finger
Stretching out to point
At the guilty and the evil
Calling them home.

A long dead heart
Beats in the silence
Calling out from the ground
And begging for vengeance.

But even death
Has no hold
As flesh becomes mud
And the soul flies away.

The blood becomes glass
As it drips on my arm
A noble sacrifice
To hold in my hand.

Sprinkling over white linen
As I kneeled down to pray
My head lowered in reverence
To God
And not to man..

In silent meditation
I knock upon the door
Praying as I had so many times
For the same people.

What is life
If it has no meaning?
And what is meaning
To a man without a soul?

Not all beliefs are equal
Because not all beliefs are true
And all roads do not lead to God
But the shallow will walk to hell.

If life has no purpose
We might as well burn it all
Falling backwards into chaos
And tumbling into sleep.

If there is no soul
Then what good is eternity
Nothing but a empty space
Of the deepest darkest black.

Dream a little dream
And die a little death
Because it is only a second away
Once time passes
Like a formless wisp of smoke.

Arrogance is not a virtue
And false pride is the worst
As a dark shadow grows
Across the world.

The good have no reason
To take over the world
But evil spreads like a virus
Attacking the innocent
To enslave us all.

And God would never ask
That we should kill
Because what faith
Could demand murder?

Some men reach higher
And find inspiration
But others just breed
Wallowing in their ignorance
Producing nothing
But taking everything.

I have made up my mind
To live in defiance
Using my words like a hammer
Beating the drums of rebellion
And banging out an anthem
As loud as I can.

Death is defeated
And even time has no teeth
Immortal as the spirit
And invincible in flames.

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