Friday, April 6, 2012

Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell 4/6/2012

Some days it’s hard to try
And some days it’s hard to think
When everything seems pointless
And everything is the same.

The same old stories
And the same old words
Coming at me
And clamoring for attention
Just like yesterday
And all the days before.

Reality hits hard
And it takes your breath away
Like a punch to the stomach
Doubled over and speechless.

Nothing is ever learned
And the same people
Do all the same things
Without any consequences
All over again.

It all has to go somewhere
And it must be a heavy weight
The untold burdens of evil
All adding up to death.

We have become desensitized
And complacent with horror
Cowering under censorship
And forbidden to speak
With our hands over our ears
And our face in the corner.

The silence is deafening
And the crickets are chirping
As the good are attacked
Over and over again.

Time has sped up
And the world has started to wobble
As civility falls apart
And madness takes hold.

Violence and horror
Degradation and debasement
The innocent abused
And the guilty excused.

We watch from a distance
And dream
That we are immune
While the terror just gets closer
And closer to home.

No one says a word
And the good illicit no outrage
As the authorities remain silent
In obvious complicity.

How many centuries have come
And how much evil
Have we wrought
All adding up to something
And all adding up to this.

Dried out, brittle
And parched from lack of water
The landscape ready to burn
At the smallest of sparks.

Winter has passed
And a long hot summer awaits
A time for testing
And a time for proving.

The good are betrayed again and again
Right under our noses
While we hide our eyes
And give up
In our heart.

Blind as we always were
And sleep walking
Through the paces
We repeat our mistakes
A thousand times a thousand.

A voice in the distance
Pleads with us
To listen
The same one
We have always heard
But often ignored.

The same sacrifice
For all the same reasons
Given up as a gift
And taken for granted.

It is a long lonely walk
Full of great burdens
Bearing the weight of time
And evil.

But nothing lasts forever
As we stand eye to eye
Face to face with ourselves
And all alone with God.

Though the skies are darkened
Do not despair
Because this time
It’s different
And the truth is coming
In our hearts and in the air.

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