Thursday, April 12, 2012


Legacy 4/12/2012

I can still smell the gun smoke
Curling in the air
And I can still feel the whiskey
Burning in my veins.

Just some little things
That remind me
Of who I was
And where I am from.

A dark and forgotten place
Full of dreams and grain
And endless gold expanse
Underneath a wide open sky.

Stretching out in my mind
Ever more distant
That part of me remains
No matter where I go
Or what I lose.

But I am also different
And I have learned through living
Because time never stops
Not for me
And not for you.

Like a dust particle in the air
The world floats
Rudderless and mad
Succumbing at last to gravity
And falling.

While some will escape
Many will cry
Unknown and faceless
Many suffer
And many die.

Man yearns to be free
And many talk of justice
But how many would know it
Even if they saw it?

With one eye blindfolded
And one eye open
Some are sacrifices
And some go free.

The wisdom of the mob
Is the price of fools
Trading away the future
For a few votes more.

If you think
It makes no difference
Then you never knew at all
Just another dumb victim
Nailed to the wall.

If you think
There is no answer
Then life has no point
And we might as well die
And sleep forever.

But no argument can change
What another has experienced
And those who have seen the truth
Will never be the same.

I cannot speak for others
But I can speak for me
And I remain myself
With no excuse
Or apology.

Unashamed and defiant
Walking through the streets
Come what will
And come what may.

I know my life
And I know what I have seen
The proof in the blood
And the writing on the wall.

Empty headed fools
Can never change eternity
Self absorbed
And self deluded.

I don’t need to argue
Because I have lived more
Both the highs and the lows
More than they will ever know.

The future is here
And it is an animal farm
With some worth more than others
Devolved, dumb
Worthless and useless.

But it is not the end
And the beginning
Is just around the corner
After all is said
And after all is done.

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