Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Climbing the Stairs

Climbing the steps 4/25/2012

There are better places
Than standing on a scaffold
And there are better feelings
Than a noose around your neck.

Smoking a last cigarette
And saying your prayers
Before the hood slips over
And you are done.

Even faith in nothing
Is faith in something
And if there is no future
Then aw all might as well kill.

Some people believe
And some people do not
But no matter what you think
I have seen the difference.

Nothing great comes without risk
And there is nothing worse
Than contempt and ridicule
Enough to keep the good silent
And herded like sheep.

If there are any last words
Then let them be said
Because today is just as good as any
To pay our last respects.

I am not here
To sway anyone’s opinion
And I didn’t write these words
Just to bring you down.

But rather to cast a light
In the shadows
To contrast the difference
Between good and bad.

Situations change
And so also do feelings
But what is right is right
No matter who we are.

It takes a larger personality
And a greater character
To recognize your own heart
And search out the demons.

An awareness of your own perceptions
And understand where it can lead
To filter out your own perceptions
And check blind ambition.

But if you have made the journey
Then you know the feeling
That gnawing sensation
That you don’t fit in
And never will.

But that is a good thing
Because that means you’re awake
Aware and alert
A free spirit
In a world of the dead.

Because by then you know
That in this world
Even the brave
May face great hatred
And even the good
May die in shame.

For seldom have great things
Been accomplished
Without the sacrifice
Of a few in silence
Or many in terror.

We all know the feeling
And who has not watched
The good hung out to dry
Cowed into silence
By the crude and abusive.

And who has not hung
Afraid to draw attention
More afraid of losing their livelihood
Than standing up for truth.

Because we all have friendships
And we need to pay the bills
Afraid for our children
And afraid for our position.

But fear emboldens the violent
And humility feeds the boastful
As kindness is mistaken for weakness
And honor mistaken for retreat.

Someone must take the risk
Knowing that they may fail
And someone must reach boldly
Where even the good
Cringe in fear.

Let the words leap from the page
And let the truth blaze in the sky
That the tipping point is here
And all the lies are over.

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