Friday, July 1, 2011

Eight O' Clock

Eight o’ clock

Maybe another night
Or maybe another day
Never for a moment free
But no matter how hard they grasp
All shall pass away.

You can go here
Or you can go there
And always get your way
But in the end it will not matter
As all shall pass away.

They show their hatred
But never the truth
And they sow cruelty
But no one says a word.

The more that happens
The more that I know
And the more that it hurts
The more that they shall lose.

A snails crawls across a razor
And I survive another day
Until tonight when again I rise
And all shall pass away.

They have the money
And they make their plans
All based upon a lie
But they shall fall into a trap
And all shall pass away.

A Trojan horse was built
And now it sits and judges
But it too shall be exposed
And all shall pass away.

They take all they can
But it shall never be enough
Always looking for something more
Just to fill a hole
Where their soul should be
And all shall pass away.

I knew it before it happened
And I laughed
When I hung up the phone
Because this too is dead and gone
And all shall pass away.

The blood of the good
Cries out from the ground
To tell the truth
That no one will hear.

They beg for justice
And so do I
Just waiting for something
Something to happen
Or something to change.

By their greed
You shall know them
The selfish and the shallow
Nothing too small to go unnoticed
And always cruel.

They shall have their glory
And they shall have their name
But all is not what it seems
And all shall pass away.

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