Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Full Blooded

Full Blooded 7/27/2011

Are you afraid of Ghosts?
And have you ever seen one?
Because we think that ghosts are dead
But there are many things
We have not seen
But yet we know
That they are there.

An invisible man
Has no regrets
And he has no remorse
A will without a body
And a horror
Without a plan.

Some men have made a pact
And they are drenched in blood
Twisting the truth into lies
And getting away with murder.

We worry about of doomsday
But it is already here
As we live out a nightmare
That goes on without end.

There places that make you think
Like the white sand dunes
And the dark side of the moon
Quiet distant and remote
And barren to the eyes.

The world is where we are made
But God has given us life
A secret so great
That we will never understand.

Every single thing
Is and was
And every single action
Expands into a million more.

We can guess
And we can think
But deep down we know
Even though we can’t explain.

I am a man
But I have a spirit
And a soul
Greater than dust
And more than meat.

You can only die once
Or maybe not at all
But for some it is forever
The secret and the shame.

I will leave this body again
But still stay the same
Just smashing down what I hate
And building what I love.

I shall kiss
My love in a gentle breeze
And shatter the idols on the floor
Just like I want
And just like I should.

I am a full blooded ghost
And nothing can hold me
And I have come out screaming
And thirsting for revenge.

There is an island
Far away and remote
It is called the island of fire
And it is full of ghosts.

You will find me there
But also here
Where ever I am connected
To the good I have seen.

No one is perfect
And I have felt the sting
But now I shall return
Just to take back
The loved and lost.

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