Friday, July 22, 2011

Something Beautiful

Something Beautiful

Looking back across the broken pieces
Searching for answers in the folds and creases
Free falling the distance between wrong and right
In a half finished journey interrupted in the night.

Out of the vein and on the floor
Yesterdays inspiration swept behind the door
As voices whisper both close and faraway
Numb as the pain and guilt of the day.

Miles above the heavens are parting
Miles below the earth is boiling
Outside a city is burning
Inside my head
The thoughts are churning.

Molten rock silently shifting
Quiet as the blood ebbing and flowing
High above this pit of dreams
Flowing downward in silvery streams.

Connect by the clockwork of time and space
Eternal ordinance of mystery and reason
Stretched across the firmaments constellations
Shinning crystals of spinning rock.

In the pit of these deep dark thoughts
Like minded souls of wisdom are sought
Cleansed by the fire and purged by the knife
Pruned like the vine
To bring forth life.

I saw something beautiful in this minds eye
Technicolor images
Flashing forward and back
Surreal memories surrounding my perceptions
Viewed through diamonds
Perfect and cold.

A lacquered vermillion box shinning in my hands
Red taillights refracting in the rain
The taste of lime and the smell of her hair
Rum punch and a red velvet chair.

A flood of memories come back to mind
A little black dress and a red neon sign.
A foggy mixture of images
Float into view
A peaceful sky
And pools of water aqua blue.

Fleeting as the snowflakes that melt in your hand
Cold as the boots thawing by the door
Icicles dripping down into crystal spires
Until licked by the tongues of a blazing fire.

The heat of the summer beating on my head
The beauty of the rose bush on the side of the house
Riding our bikes and putting off our cares
Back though a void, I sit and stare.

These feelings that race around my brain
Same as the blood washing down the drain
Trying to catch the air with our hands
Headfirst into a darkness
That no one understands.

Interconnected by bonds
That we can never see
A silvered grid of time
We never knew to choose
Free to live and free to die
Free to admit
And free to deny.

Useless days and wasted nights
Bored with the details and ordinary things
Just like the fruit of life
Taken in and wasted
Then paid out in pain.

Just like this life ebbing forward fast
Careless days
That we knew couldn’t last
Still staring at the crossroads
And sifting through the ashes.

We wonder what to do
We wonder what to say
Do our choices matter in the end?
And will we ever know?

I stood and looked over the ledge
Far down below a rocky gorge
Deep as the secrets we hide in the dark
Obscured by the fog
And covered with reason.

Something beautiful to have and old
Ancient mixture of heart mind and soul
Momentary glimpses of the future I see
Filtered by the silhouettes
Of the loved and the lost.

Thirty thousand feet in the sky
I saw the truth in a deep amber eye
It was hidden and then it was clear
The secret of my heart
Revealed in the sky.

I am still sitting and staring at the flames
Dreaming of the lady on the plane
How could she know and why was she there
This lesson just for me
Or for others to share?

Now I see
And think to myself
That these words are meant
To flow once more
Love like a river forever streaming
Flowing through
Rather than for keeping.

The moments escape like smoke in the air
Straight through my fingers as I stop and stare
Still wondering at the beauty of the flame
No sense left in carrying the blame.

Three minutes to midnight
And lost in my thoughts
Will this be the night? I wonder and guess
As the red pulses glow in flickering embers
Burning with the regrets I confess.

Half thought excuses that we can’t seem to shake
Just like this thirst we can’t seem to slake
Searching for answers that are so hard to find
Looking for the pieces
That are impossible hard to find.

Deep down we all seek the same
Drawn by the feelings we can’t know or name
To the source of light inside our hearts
Back to the beginning of secret longing.

The reason I don’t know
And why me, I still seem to wonder
This message half done in my heart
Kindled by a reason
Hidden from the start.

I hear the glasses and voices
Shallow conversations
That prick at my ear
I can see the faces and the laughter
I think and I wonder.

The message is a sword cutting through my heart
The lesson is clear and framed from the start
Why I never stopped long enough to question
And why I am so lucky.

I remember the feel, color, and smell
Exploding into dreams of the future I see
I can see the answer in their faces
And how we are all connected
Beautiful and loved.

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