Friday, July 1, 2011

Death No Longer Smiles a poem

Death no longer smiles 7/1/2011 10:36 pm EST

They always told me
To be careful
And they always warned me
To love what I had.

Reminding me every day
About how lucky I was
When I already knew
And I already cared.

Death has given birth
To something
Something he didn’t know
And never wanted.

A new man
With an iron heart
Twice as determined
With nothing to prove
And nothing left to lose.

Do you remember?
When we were on the roof
Sitting on lawn chairs
And watching the sunrise
Did you really know me?
And did you know that I loved you?

I didn’t know it then
Because something’s take time
That all great things come with pain
And much was yet to come.

I was surrounded then
And it was all fun and games
But life has tipped them over
And the pieces are everywhere
Too small to find
And too jagged to swallow.

I didn’t feel a thing
And I did what I wanted
Never pausing long enough
To see any difference
Or feel any pain.

But I have paid the price
And I have paid it well
More than I ever dreamed
Asleep in a nightmare
And dreaming I was awake.

No one lives forever
But you can’t kill a ghost
And I am waiting in the dark
Just to take what is mine.

I have gone away
But I am coming back
And I will once again level my eyes
And you will understand.

I know where to go
And I know what to do
Through the window
And up the stairs
Coming back to collect my heart.

My grip is like iron
And my teeth are sharp
Stronger than I was
And moving with the shadows.

Death has gone away
And now he no longer smiles
Because he knows the time
And the end is near.

The wounds are healing
And the scars are fading
The skin knitting over
My ancient broken bones.

I shall not wait
And I shall not be turned
But coming back again and again
To crush, break and tear.

I am alive
And more than ever
I can feel the electricity
Surging in my veins.

The waters are still
And the sky in silent
While everyone tries to sleep
But I am rising with the angels
Ready to ride
And ready to live.

She told me
That life was for living
And that is what she did
But cut off too short
She remains perfect
And wordless.

I know what love is
And I know what it is not
And nothing will hold me
Not tonight
And not tomorrow.

We don’t know when
And we don’t know how
But life happens
Against all the odds of eternity
We have lived and we know.

Each one a half
To another missing piece
Joined by smallest of chances
And the thinnest of connections.

Born unto the world
For some kind of reason
And together we make a whole
Something greater
And something profound.

The story is unfinished
And you will see me again
Back to where we always were
In the last perfect world.

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