Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Wrecking Crew


If you have given up
Then you are already dead
And if you have failed to try
Then you were never born.

I too have been wasted
And I too have been lost
But those who live, will make mistakes
And those who don’t
Never will.

If you have been wrong and know it
Then you have made the grade
But if you only deny
Then you will never grow.

If you are full of life
Then death has no power
And if your spirit is strong
Nothing can hold you back.

I have ran as fast as I can
And I have laughed with wild abandon
Immersing myself in the fruit of my youth
And wrecking everything I saw.

I have fallen
And I have been hurt
Head over heels
To bleed in seven places
But still getting up
And laughing all the way.

I loved with all my strength
And I lived out
My wildest whims
Living for the glorious moments
To justify what comes between.

But if you want the highs
You must live with the lows
Because no two days are the same
And they can never be

You can’t see life coming
So you had better hold on
Coming at you from all directions
Without thought or emotion.

It is a blind curve
Or a knife in the back
In the middle of the day
Or the dead of the night
Either way
An unexpected horror.

Either for the good
Or for the bad
It comes for the longest time
And then explodes in our lap.

We wait and we watch
And think we are immune
But time keeps on running
Faster and faster.

But for the smallest of fractions
Everything would be different
And we would remain
Just like we always were.

But I have not
And so I weep
So alone in this crowded room
Untouchable and remote.

I long for that feeling
That promise of the future
Of all we were
All we had
And ever hoped to be.

I shall take the lows
And face them down laughing
Remembering the good
And holding it tightly.

The fire will never die
And my spirit will not be crushed
More than this world can hold
Just as fleeting as it is immortal.

But all we can do
Is hold on
And love those around us
With all we have left.

Do not let the night pass
Unnoticed and unlived
But instead truly know
And truly feel.

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