Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Glass Coffin

Ths one is from 2003

Glass Coffin

Grieving inside a glass building
My heart is heavy and my eyes are tearing
Some try to comfort while others avoid me
Afraid they may catch the curse upon me.

My arms are cold and numb
Breaths short and shallow
Sitting paralyzed deaf, and dumb
My life melting like tallow

Drifting to sleep inside my mind
I remember and think of her often
In my dreams her memory I find
While I sit entombed in this tall glass coffin

Sometimes I feel like dying
Nothing left to ruin or waste
Sleeping in peace, no longer trying
No more memories to face

Another day ticks the clock
Another heartbeat pumps my blood
I keep breathing in this same spot
Loneliness rises up in a flood

Cold and hard is this box of steel
I wish my life could soften
To have hold and feel
Dying inside this tall glass coffin

Why do some live and others die?
Why do my feet keep moving?
On my knees I pray and ask why
Why can’t I forget that awful morning

Somewhere horses run and children play
Bicycles and snowball fights in the street
Skinned knees and cold fingers through another day
I sit here in agony, in the ashes I must stay

“I love you and I miss you!” I want to shout
I want to feel her lips and touch her heart
I want to know what her leaving was all about
Remembering our vows never to part

God help me in this hour
I scan the heavens for your reply
Staring at a violet sky outside this tower
Listening for her voice and tender sighs

Money is nothing and work doesn’t matter
Wasting my life climbing a broken ladder
Dealing with people who always run for cover
Losing my best friend and lover

If only I could have another chance
One more trip around in a slow dance
Without love, life just doesn’t matter
Casual conversations simply empty chatter

I meant it when I said I loved you
But I should have said it more often
I should have known you better
Now I sit alone in this glass coffin

God help me to know your love
Help me to face the day
Hasten the end of this body’s clay
Deliver me to my love above

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