Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Atom Smasher

Atom Smasher 7/7/11

Normalcy is a lid
Screwed down on horror
Tightly sealed
With contents under pressure.

We are besieged
And we are attacked
Unprovoked and undeserved
By hateful and envious men.

The truth has been murdered
And no one speaks a word
And while many are angry
The good are silent
Both meek and dead.

I have watched
And I have listened
Reading the hidden stories
The crimes that happen every day
And no one talks about.

You can see the signs
But you can’t really know
If you don’t accept the truth
And read between the lines.

I can only speak for me
But I am ready and willing
Because their time is about to end
But not before more terror
And lots of horror

So much for injustice
And so much for man
Just a breeze on hot day
Come and gone.

We sleep through life
And whistle pass the graveyard
All attentions wasted
And all affections mute.

Overly indulged
And overly fed
Just swimming downstream
Dumb, wasted and dead.

We let the fire die
And give up without a whimper
When we should roar like lions
Of unrepentant rage.

The writing is on the wall
And the line is in the sand
A last warning for the wise
Unheard and unseen.

If you can see it
Then you are watching
But if you can’t
Then you are dead.

Because the good times have ended
And there is no one left to laugh
No more to drink
And no more to dream.

The shallow waters are a distraction
And bland amusement will never be enough
And even destruction cannot save
Was creation cannot keep.

So much has been lost
And it has been sold so cheaply
Like food for the soul at a buffet
And the greatest pearl
Gobbled up by swine.

Nothing worthy is respected
But we still fear rejection
And so we sit in uneasy silence
While the world falls apart.

No one wants to risk reputation
And no one wants to take a chance
So we are killed without a fight
And rejected out of hand.

It is time to live
And it is time to love
Time to take the boldest leap
And make the greatest change.

They may hate you
And they may call you names
But many great things have died
Because men suffered with quiet longing
And never acted.

It will get worse
And men will roam the streets
Attacking the unsuspecting
Without warning
And from behind.

I’ll see them
When the lid comes off
And we will see out it ends
Just like he said
And just like I know.

Every single night
Is an eve of destruction
Because I am coming for them
And nothing can hold me back.

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