Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Willing to Kill

Willing to Kill 7/19/2011

Every man is tested
And every soul is weighed
Marked measured and known
Not just for the guilty
But also for the good.

There are only so many chances
Until the journey is done
And then we are taken
At the end of countless heartbeats
Time stops in an instant
And then lasts forever.

She didn’t like my drinking
But I was sober when she left
Leaving me drowning in the past
Without a boat or paddle.

I had nowhere to turn
And I had nowhere to go
Surrounded by her memory
And haunted by the ghosts.

I went through the motions
And I tried to survive
But its hard to go on living
Purposeless and alone.

I was hung out to dry
For sins I had not committed
And I was denied
When I needed help the most.

They said that they loved me
But they couldn’t wait to kill
Stealing everything they could
And leaving me by the road
For the wild dogs to kill.

Any decency could have saved me
But nothing was left to chance
Every single thing was done
To steal, blame and destroy.

A thousand years ago
I would have put on chain mail
And cut off their head
But now only the evil can kill
So we just give up instead.

There were some things
That I really wanted to do
But there are something’s
That no man can do
At least for a man with a conscience
And a heart and soul.

It’s wrong to burden children
With the cancer of vengeance
Or a legacy of blood
And how can any mortal know
The perfect judgment of God.

A life unexpressed is a pity
And a soul unexplored is a waste
Leaving nothing but taking everything
Trapped by a vacuum of need.

If it seems wrong
It probably is
And if there is any doubt
We all know what is right
And should know what to do.

So much is lost
And so much is wasted
If we only knew
And if we only understood.

What would you do
And what would you say
If you knew what was coming
And there was no escape.

Would you think a little different
And maybe tell the truth
If you knew that all you have
Would be worthless
And all you loved
Would disappear.

A full and rich harvest
Was ripening on the vine.
But now it is gone
Eaten by locusts
And stolen in the night.

A terrible twisted fate has spun
And I have fallen down the spiral
Sinking into the nothingness
Of a black vortex of death.

A fall without a bottom
And a deep rift without a grip
A free fall out into nothing
And lasting forever.

Something awful is coming
But it shouldn’t be a surprise
For there is nothing new
Under this dead sun
And we get what we deserve.

The locusts are coming
And there is no end in sight
Consuming what no army could take
And destroying all we made.

If this is the end
And Armageddon is near
Then there is nothing left to keep
And nothing left to fear.

There is no future
For those who don’t remember
And there is no hope
For those who don’t care.

Anything can happen
And everything can pass away
Unless someone takes a stand
And suffers the blows.

We give up and we give away
Yes even the greatest of gifts
Are traded away and lost
But for a few courageous men.

Is peace and survival so great
That we prefer mediocrity
And is the status quo so desirable
That we would risk slavery?

The days of the sunshine friends
And opportunistic poets
Are coming to an end
Because they have seen it coming
And they have all run away.

They stuck their heads in the sand
And think that they are safe
But no one can run forever
And no one can escape death.

The world can be shaped
By anyone and anything
But we have been content
To let it fester, boil, and bleed.

Time quickly passes
And the time for comfort has passed
Because we have waited too long
And there is no one left but us.

Without the good
Evil shall have its way
Crushing the innocent
And oppressing the weak.

The time has come
To live boldly
And the time has come
For sacrificial honor.

But many are those
That are called
But few are those who listen
And rarer are those who follow.

All men must die
So it is no great sacrifice
To say we are ready
But harder still is the courage
To do what must be done.

To take the kind of action
That risks all money and reputation
Telling the real truth
And finishing the fight.

Maybe they won’t
But maybe I will
Unafraid to die
And willing to kill.

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