Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The last seige

Legacy Park 7/20/2011

If you have never seen
Then you haven't been looking
And if you haven't wondered
Then you cannot know.

I am the broken one
And my wings were damaged
But I was carried
As far as I needed
Until I was healed
And until I was ready.

There are bigger things
Than what we fear
And there are greater horrors
Than what we have lost.

The dark half is about to pass
And the destroyer rides
Both high and mighty
But he can only kill
Those who have forgotten.

I have drifted
Far down the shore
Swept away while sleeping
Into dark and unfamiliar waters.

But awakening too late
I have floundered and sunk
Descending into the deepest dark
Of the blackest sea.

My arms are pale and marked
And my heart is frozen forever
Because of the great distance
And painful dreams.

For some reason
I have tried
Even though it was useless
To put my arms around a memory
The kind we can never keep.

I have been plucked out of the grave
And placed in a life
A stranger
In a strange land.

A foreigner without a home
And an orphan without a hand
I have become a living ghost
And an awkward reminder
The kind that never dies
But always abides.

I have come to your house
In the night
To knock over and destroy
But only the damned
And only the cruel.

I am healed for a reason
And I am filled with a spirit
That cannot be denied
Here for a time
But everywhere forever.

Are there ghosts in your house
I have them in mine
Coming and going
Speaking and crying.

Tonight I will stetch out my wings
And move the molten iron
Coming from what it left
To take back what is mine.

The last seige 7/20/2011

Blood and iron
Heavy timber and stone
I built my love a castle
And then I burned it down.

We put things together
And then tear them apart
Just for fun or by accident
Sudden horror, or random chance.

I lit the torch
And walked down the halls
Drinking form a pewter cup
Inspecting the defenses
And all that I had made.

But even the walls thick and steep
Could not keep me safe
Or prevent a Trojan horse
Filled with lies and murder.

In through the back door
A sudden terror
Has left us bleeding
And gasping for air.

The good have waited too long
And now they are lined up for death
Tracked, tagged and numbered
Unarmed and defenseless.

They let the opportunities slip
And all routes of escape close
No more open windows
And no more open doors.

They were shamed into silence
When they were right all along
And they were afraid of words
Before they faced the arrows.

The time to speak is now
Unapologetic and bold
Unafraid of accusation
And unashamed.

There is an ancient secret
The one they keep hidden
About who we are
And where we are going.

They prefer to lie
And they prefer to distract
Anything to keep the status quo
For temporary benefits
Or profits.

It’s about power
And it’s about control
Controlling your future
And controlling your success.

It’s not about what right
And it’s not about what’s fair
It’s all about how it looks
And the outcome they care.

The walls are breached
And the screams are loud
More than past the time
To grab our swords and fight.

The fires are burning
And the babies are crying
If we do not act
They will never survive.

The future is more important
Than my safety or comfort
And freedom is more precious
Than peaceful slavery.

Liberty is calling
Because the devil’s at the door
Beating down the innocent
And killing all he can.

As for me
The choice is made
And I have set my face
Into the storm
And I will not turned.

The rest is for the reader
And the end will not matter
For there is no glory for fools
Whether they live or die.

But for the good
God lifts them up
Keeping them forever
Their death a mere transition
To the world
They themselves have made.

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