Monday, July 11, 2011

Quicksand 7/11/11

Quicksand 7/11/11

It doesn’t happen overnight
So we should have seen it coming
The loss of self, so hard to imagine
Until we become someone else.

Not everyone will know
And not everyone will see
What it means to be alone
And how it can help
To find out, who you really are.

We give up too easily
And readily live out
Someone else’s dreams
Abandoning our principals
And relinquishing our soul.

Like an unsuspecting animal
Trapped in quicksand
The more we struggle
The more we sink.

We all want to be free
But only a few ever make it
Because we are afraid to suffer
And reluctant to offend.

We hide inside ourselves
In lives of quiet desperation
Living outwards into escapism
What our reality can never have.

In everything we do
And in everything we have
We become predictable and boring
Shallow, bland, dumb and dead.

We flounder and we run
But always to what is familiar
Hiding in lives with lots of boundaries
That can’t be crossed
Without fear or pain.

We prefer a perfect surface
To what is real or genuine
And we clean away our individuality
For a nameless, faceless peace.

I want something more
Something to complete this beautiful vision
Something greater than self deception
And something authentic.

I want to walk in the fountains
And I want to fly with the seagulls
Crying out your name over the sea
Again and again.

I want to truly live
And I want to truly breathe
To know the joy of deeper feelings
Something truly rich and lasting.

The world is temporary
And the world is selfish
And often we are better to strangers
Than we are to the known
And the good.

We lock ourselves in cages
And stare at the keys
Never questioning the purpose
Or ever living free.

So much for the heart
And so much for man
Forgetting who he is
And never thinking
About where he is going.

I am awake
And hardship has opened my eyes
Never again will I ever be the same
And never again
Asleep in my dreams.

There is nothing unique
And there is nothing special
Nothing that I could not do
And nothing worth the loss.

And there is nothing so safe or easy
That we can forget
What is right
Or kill what is good.

I am so far away
From what I want to be
But it didn’t happen in a day
And getting back will not be easy

There is nothing like today
And this great journey has already begun
With nothing left to lose
And nothing left to prove.

In my loss I am larger
And in my prayers I am stronger
These words beyond the shallow
Already condemned and already dead.

I fly on the wings of the phoenix
And I shall climb high in the air
On wings of burning iron
Unchained and unbroken.

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