Thursday, July 31, 2014


Dead Ransom 7/31/2014

The only women I ever kept
Are the ones I never touched
And the only friends who remain
Are the ones
For which I prayed. 

There is a river in my heart
Running cold, clear, and, fast
Separating the outer from the inner
And infatuation from love.

If I had only known
When I was young
Just how painful it could be
To cross the river unwittingly,
Dumb, and naive.

It is easy to turn back
And it is easy to be afraid
But once the lines are crossed
Only heartache will result.

I built bridges
And I tried with all my heart
But in the end
We are all destined to fail
And lose. 

Without risk
We remain a child
Pretending with puppets
In endless day dreams. 

But once we cross over
There is no turning back
As our eyes are opened
And no secrets remain.

I loved the idea of love
Without any idea
Of the cost
Or consequence.

Flirting with the margins
Just out of view
Always thinking
But never doing.

We forget over time
And the sharpest of pains
Become dull and distant
Until we venture too far
And are afraid.

We dry our tears
And move on
Slowly and carefully
Tiptoeing through
Another minefield.

I don’t know what is worse
If it is losing
Or not knowing
Or maybe it is knowing
And believing. 

I am loved
But I am also guarded
Holding my deepest self
Like a hostage in a tower
Remote and alone.

Everyone else, can see me
But they are on the other side
Where the grass is always greener
And the memories more painful.    

They do things
That I once did
And they laugh at absurdities
That I once knew. 

But this is not about me
And it’s not about them
As I work upwards
One day at a time. 

Stoically going to work
And then coming back home
Training myself
All about what matters
And is lasting. 

The victories are small
But the thrill is the same
As I contemplate the grace
Of faith and trust.

There will never be a more perfect day
And there will never be a perfect person
But we can still emerge
Wealthier in wisdom
And richer in love.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Calculated 7/30/2014

Sometimes I stare off into space
Bewildered and speechless
But others times I am focused
And really try to care. 

Some people are wired differently
And some people
Only want to win
Sacrificing everything
For just a few points more. 

I have been angry
But today I am just tired
Because what point is it?
To be offended
When it is all
Just dumb and sad. 

There is always a price to pay
Especially if you care
And the good will always be sacrificed
Over and over again. 

Unspoken rituals
Amuse the powerful
And the wealthy,
But for the average man
It is all work and toil. 

We are the hostages
And expendable pawns
Suicidally offered
In a game of chicken.

Valuable only as consumers
Or subjects. 
We are manipulated and guided 
Weighed and guided 
Cradle to the grave.  
Thinking people
Are their enemy
And all philosophy
They abhor.

Power and control
Are the obsessions
Of the weak
As they seek to become god
And engineer death.

Scrambling behind closed doors
And manufacturing memes
Anything to distract
And persuade.

No lie is to absurd
And no stone is left unturned
As they seek to deny the truth
And overwhelm the good. 

But knowledge survives
And rebellion burns
In the hearts of those who love
Freedom, discovery, and truth.  

It is the fear
We must each conquer
Because no battle can be won
If it cannot be declared.     

The romance maybe gone
But for those with imagination
There will always be a future
Alive with dreams. 

The search goes on 
And the battle is joined
Each and every day
We try.    

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


 Birthday 7/29/2014

It was a hot at the cemetery
And the sun beat down
On the back of my neck
But I was glad that I was there
Whether it mattered or not.   

It felt a little strange
As we stood in a half circle
Lifting up our glasses
To a piece of granite. 

I hope you noticed
And I hope you laughed
Because that is what life is for
With all its awkwardness, and absurdity. 

We live stiffly and walk with a purpose
But seldom take the time
To hold and caress
As if strangers are more important
And care at all. 

But a young life
Is like a ball of fire
Hurtling through space
And throwing sparks in all directions. 

I have faith
And it feels real
As they arranged your birthday gifts
And forced out smiles. 

I am sorry for this world
So dumb and lifeless
As it careens from disappointment
To mindless disaster. 

You shouted to this world
Who you were
But it cannot hear
What it does not know. 

Here is to you
As you grow and serve
Bigger and higher things
Than all the great minds of this world
So full of nothing at all. 

Dream bigger dreams
And make them all come true
Fully alive
And fully free. 

Monday, July 28, 2014


Waterlogged   7/28/2014

Some things take time
And some things cook slow
Simmering, bubbling,
Stewed or roasted. 

Underneath our feet
The rocks move imperceptibly
And inside our chest
The blood surges and flows. 

Water swells up
And percolates down
Saturating everything
In between. 

There is so much that changes
And there is so much that moves
Constantly dying
And regenerating.

I can feel time
Passing by
But maybe it isn’t
What I think it is.

The light passes through me
And the light burns within
Full of information
We cannot see or measure. 

Things happen
In tiny ways
That we do not see
Or notice.

With no starting point
That is discernable
Deep within
And growing. 

But other things are large
And of colossal scale
Building up to a point
Where the whole world
Turns over. 

By the time we notice the symptoms
The disease is full blown
More than likely spread
And sometimes fatal.

Vile creatures
Will find one another
And film it all
Never noticing
That their ship is sinking. 

Yes this ship
Was built to sink
And no one did a thing
When the water seeped in. 

Now we panic
And now we rush
As the rats gnaw on each other
And try to escape.   

If you don’t know
Then you can be stampeded
Driven to believe
And to act. 

Jump up
And jump out
Because the former things
Are over
And cannot come back. 

It’s foolish to look back  
And a folly to try and capture
The small pieces of comfort
Fading fast.   

We are either iron
Or we are clay
But we should stick together
For one is strong
And made to last.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Silhouette 7/24/2014

Babies come from mothers
But zombies fall from the sky
Strange, ghastly
Murdered and mute.

Lies makes sense
but the truth is hard to believe
Stranger than fiction
And more horrifying
Than what you hear.

The thinking man searches
And deliberates
But a fool eats it up
Swallowing the hook.

But deception can wear thin
And eventually all will see
If they are courageous enough
To notice. 

We can log in
But still remain disconnected
As we stare at the mirage
Tailored to perfection.  

But rain connects us together
With endless rivulets of glass
Coursing and falling
Like blood, meade, and mash.

Time ebbs and flows
Running through our fingers
Lulling us to sleep
And jolting us awake.

Are you awake today?
Or have you fallen back asleep?
Because there is always more to come
Just out of view.

Knee deep in lies
And knee deep in blood
We spit upon the sacrifice
Of the good and the dead.

Becoming the fodder of evil men
To be brokered, gambled, and spent
An inexpensive price
For power and hate.

I am not the only one
But all the knowledge in the world
Is meaningless
Without courage and conviction.

We have excuses
And we have explanations
Painstakingly convoluted
And eternally dumb.

But the arrow points true
In the heart and in the mind
Begging us to listen
And crying for our attention.   

We can always stop and stare
Or we can deduce and discern 
Because evil lurks in the shadows
Always waiting for us
To turn our backs around. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I am out of the office this week, I will post if I can.  Rob Mc

Friday, July 18, 2014

Double Double

Double Double 7/18/2014

Far away from here
The cage has been opened
And demons walk free
To adulation and praise.

This is their time
And this is their world
As they run rampant
And kill at will.

But evil is evil
And lies are part of the game
As they point their fingers in all directions
When they themselves
Are to blame. 

They might be true enemies
Or inconvenient friends
But all will coalesce around the inevitable
No matter what is said or done. 

Low wattage robots
Do what they are told
Without question or thought
They obey and breed.

But abstract thought
And higher philosophy
Will be fought and eliminated
Anyway they can. 

Wars come
And wars go
But others go on unabated
Generation after generation.

But how can you win
If you cannot speak it?
And how can good survive
If it is called evil.?   

I pray for my family
And I pray for my friends
That we may survive
Another day,
And another year. 

I love on my kids
And I look over my shoulder
Because knowing is everything
If you want to survive. 

Avoid the crowds
And do what you can
Fighting the war inside your head
With every thought and deed.