Monday, May 5, 2014

Carolina Dreaming

Carolina Dreaming 5/5/2014

Even if it starts out straight
Objects can begin to tumble
As they hurtle through space
In a fast spiral.  

Even sitting still
We are moving inside
And life has a tendency
To morph and grow.

If a week could be like sugar
Then a voice could sound like honey
Soft and warm in my ear
And enough to last forever. 

Events unfold in unexpected ways
And I could not have dreamed
How similar and circular
But now I have rolled over
And stare at yesterday. 

The whiskey burned
All the way down
But the taste was just as good
As it had ever been.

More than enough
To make me pause
And be thankful
That I am alive.  

Living hurts
But I have not lost a thing
As everything I ever wanted
I will always have. 

Sometimes it takes patience
And sometimes it takes a break
But nothing ever gets better
If you never learn
To appreciate.

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