Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Rock Collector

The Rock Collector   5/7/2014

Climbing up
On the top of bodies
And leaving the good behind
Without justification
Or even a reason
Except for power
And pride. 

None of it earned
And all of it fake
Just like the dust
Pouring through our fingers.

That should sum it up
The incredible emptiness of man
Selfish, sociopathic,
Ambitious, and dead.

Set your watches
And count backwards
Because this
Is what we see
As the end chases the beginning
All the way around. 

The head can chase the tail
And spin in circles
But man can never be God
No matter what he thinks.

We have elevated evil
And punished the good
Weighing down their every movement
And impeding their every desire.

Savaging the hand
That feeds us
While others lie, steal,
Pillage, and destroy.

But all the money will disappear
Because no one buys it anymore
About who are the good
And who is to blame.

We can shout
But that will not
Make us right
And we can bully
But that will never
Make it true.

Look now
Because you can see the intent
Burning with jealousy
And hatred.

Dismissive, soulless,
Rude and cruel
As they reward their friends
And leave the good
To die. 

What does it take
To wake up the deluded?
Force fed gruel
From the age of five. 

We glide down the road
Smooth as glass
Without a bump
Or a hiccup.

On our way to genocide
And inevitable extinction
Well planned 
And methodically executed.

Every day and every way
We live
And we die
But the secret hidden in plain sight
Still exists 
Just as it always did. 

My son smiles
And I hold him in my arms
We laugh
But inside
I am a stone.

I am not giving up
And I am not giving in.
Not one inch
And not one dime.

Today, tomorrow
And then forever
I say no
And I say goodbye.  

The truth is coming
And it’s bigger than ever
Right at our doorstep
And ready to crush it all. 

How many chances
And how many times
Have  they shouted down his name
And rejected the truth.

Let the march go on
Straight off a cliff
Just as dumb as it always was
A thousand times before.

Take it all in
And let the stone set
Ready and willing
Every day
And every hour. 

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