Friday, May 23, 2014

Crush Point

Crush Point 5/23/2014

Glass explodes
In a backwards mosaic
A beautiful and bloody sculpture
Suspended in the air.

We close our eyes
So that we cannot see
But that does not change a thing
And never will. 

Even a baboon will defend the herd
Keeping watch
For threats
Or enemies. 

But whoa to them
That shrink and dither
More concerned about acceptance 
Than their children’s children. 

We have planted a seed
That others will harvest
As they gather in the shadows
To pounce and kill. 

Metal twists and collapses
Crushing inward
And sideways
Because everything that runs
Will eventually
Hit the wall.  

The end comes
And luck runs out
As everyone should know
The circlets expand
And retract.

We have listened
And we have seen
More than enough to know
What man has wrought
And what will follow. 

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