Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Stumble Foot

Stumble Foot 5/6/2014 

It still hurts
But it still feels real
Because everything we see
We will always want.

The biggest things
Are what we never had
As we fall all over ourselves
For nothing at all. 

We never seem to know
What it is
That we have
Until it’s all over
And blown away. 

I didn’t want to go home
And I didn’t want to let go
Because I was afraid
Of trying
And losing. 

I gave in to my anger
And I gave in to my whims
Chasing after shadows
And swinging at smoke. 

As if my feelings mattered
And as if I could stop
The rising tide of death
Drowning my lungs.    

Everything had an urgency
That far exceeded its worth
Because I did not know
And could not understand. 

I clung tightly
To all that I knew
But in all the wrong ways
At all the wrong times. 

I did not know who I was
And I did not know to ask
For what I really needed
But could not have known.

The darkness has fled
And now I can see
Both the blessings
And the horror. 

I could not change it
Even if I tried
So all of us are left
Empty handed
And lonely. 

There is no going home
And there is no going back
But only down and out
Deep and dead. 

Regret makes a mockery
Of all that we tried
Halfhearted and wasted
Foolish and dumb. 

But home is still coming
Many miles away
With each and every step
Stumble and fall.  

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