Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Puddle Jump

Puddle Jump 5/21/2014

It’s not that I am sad
And it’s not that I don’t care
It’s just that I see
And I know. 

Something has happened
And something has changed
Leaving me altered
And estranged.

The world has lost its luster
And gold has no allure
As I am buffeted between
Losses and humiliation. 

I fell into a dark place
Full of self-loathing
Where I drank until I was full
And then I drank some more. 

But no chemical can erase
The scars that I bear
And deep.

There when I wake up
And there when I sleep
Like an elephant walking behind me
That I must drag along. 

It is not altogether bad
But that doesn’t always help
When you are alone
And drowning in despair. 

My head hurts
And everything’s a bore
Because the end of it
Is always the same
Useless, wasted
And crumpled on the floor. 

I am empty
And I am rootless
Cut off and turned over
Thrown away before
I could ever grow.  

The black hole calls
But I can no longer bear it
As I make myself walk
And I make myself try.

There is no giving up
And there is no going back
Nothing but a slow and steady movement
One foot in front of the other. 

I am going somewhere
And it remains
Far from where I have been
As I long for something better
Than everything that I can see.

Home is where you belong
And home is where 
You are loved
So I keep on going
And so should you. 

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