Thursday, May 15, 2014

Head in Hand

Head in Hand 4/15/2014

I did not forget
Because it is written
In my heart
Her name melodious on my lips
And her memory
A fire in my stomach.  

She flew by me
Like a comet in the night
Leaving me in awe
At the burning brilliance.  

But life is short
And life is boring
As the every day obscures
Even the greatest gifts.

The perfect me
Has never existed
Because when I should have known
I was dumb
And now that I know
It is too late. 

What great folly do we see
Whenever we look backwards
With our hands spread open
Fumbling and awkward. 

I gave in to myself
And I was kinder to strangers
More polite to the unworthy
Than I was to the trusted
And the familiar. 

So comfortable
That I forgot
How important a treasure
I already had. 

All that glitters is not gold
And the dust of dreams
Is only dust
But contentment is priceless
And much harder to find. 

Life is disappointing
And heartache comes to all
But there is nothing worse than losing
What you never knew you had. 

I have less now
Than I ever did then
But I carry the best with me
Inside of my head. 

I pray every morning
And I pray on the way home
That I will always remember
To ask and forgive.  

That everything will be healed
And everyone will be gathered
The ones that I have loved
And all that will know.     

If I could describe it
I would
But either way I know
That things will be much better
After all of this is done. 

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