Friday, May 9, 2014

B side

B side 5/9/2014

Let the words bleed out
And pour out, into space
Flowing where they will
In a flood of passion
And sacrifice. 

There are bigger things
Than what I want
And souls are more important
Than my reputation
Or pride.

I have asked for the words
And I can feel them building
Forming inside
One after another
And firing like a machine gun. 

Let them loose
And let them burn
In a pure blast
Of who you are
And what you believe. 

Who would have thought
That this could happen
To you or to me
An undeserved gift
Clear as a diamond. 

They can slam me around
And dissect every meaning
But it doesn’t bother me
And it shouldn’t bother you. 

They can take my name
And trash it
Any way they want
But I am still the same
Just as I, always was. 

There is nothing better
And nothing more pure
Than summoning the spirit
And telling the truth. 

Horror, tragedy
Disease and death
Happen, but so also
Does joy, happiness
Tenderness, and love.

If we could only know
Deep down within
That with everything
There is a flip side
Of contentment and grace.

Some will love you
And some will not
But what they think
Does not matter
Compared to how we live
And what we do. 

There are many things
I will never do
But that  is not a reason
To wallow in regret.

Flip it over
And play the other side
Because there is always more
And it’s better than you think.

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