Friday, May 30, 2014


Godspeed 5/30/2014

Some roads, really are less traveled
And some songs
Never get played
However that doesn’t mean
That they’re not good.

There are countless stories
That will never make the news
But that doesn’t mean
That we shouldn’t know
And that doesn’t mean
That they’re not true.

If the truth is forbidden
Then it should make you think
Because not all perceived events
Are equal
And some are far worse.

Humility is good
And altruism makes us try
But not everyone believes the same
Or wants, what is best.

Some seethe with resentment
And others burn with jealousy
But without individuality and creativity
All poetry is pointless
And all philosophy dead.

Slam me around
However you may want
But let these words be a warning
And let them burn straight through.

Let them streak across the sky
And burn like gasoline
Searing in our brains
A cold and indelible truth. 

This damn will break
No matter how many thumbs
Are added
And the truth will flow through
In a gigantic wall of water.

Nothing is forever
Except for God
With him, we will survive
And learn to understand. 

God’s justice is better
Perfect and complete
Much better than what passes
In the here and now. 

Let it be
And let it come
For blessing and punishment
Everlasting and justified.  

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