Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chain Link

Chain Link 5/14/2014

Take your heart 
And lock it away
Somewhere safe
Untouchable and remote.

Where it cannot become
Infected, diseased
Twisted, and deadly
Like cancerous sores
Spreading in the air. 

I tried it different ways
And I sure learned some lessons
About what matters to man
And all that is wasted. 

I did what I was told
And I tried my best
But I was forgotten
And passed over.  

I tried to please
And I tried to win
But then I found out
That all the rules were weighted
And no one had a chance. 

I loved
But was left wanting
And I took the blame
But was left for dead.

When I needed
There was no one
And when I cried
No one cared. 

This is the world
That someone else wanted
But it is not the world
As it was created. 

You can let them have it
Without giving in
If you find a place to stand
And never surrender.

You can always opt out
And just say no
Taking everything with you
So the rest falls apart. 

They can knock down the walls
And they can kick in the door
But without us
It all crashes down
Worthless and dumb. 

Some people plan
And some people do
But all I have is dreams
That will never come true. 

But what is in me
Goes with me
Form one thing to another
And what I have
Cannot be stolen
Or duplicated. 

Let them search away
And let they try again and again
But they will never build
What I have already planned.  

Together we will build it
And it will never be done
Limitless, eternal
Above and beyond.     

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