Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bad Seed

Bad Seed  5/21/2014

When the body dies
The parasite leaves
Coming out whatever opening
That it crawled in.  

Slithering on the ground
Or riding on the wind
To go where ever it will
And eat something else. 

The mind controls the body
And the body moves
Where its told
Salivating at food
And chewing its tongue. 

The world teeters on madness
As cruel and desperate men
Stunted, and twisted
Posture and pretend. 

They all want something
And no tactic is too low
As they tear at each other
For a few dollars more. 

I have made myself
Humble and low
But still they have beset me
And hungered for my life. 

Erasing my name
They never let me forget
That they have won
And I have lost. 

Reminding me
At every turn
How they are higher
And I am lower. 

We have become numbers
Less than human
With our very livelihood
A matter of measurement
And graph. 

I remain silent,
Emotionless, and wordless
Because what can a man say
When the truth is forbidden. 
They prance and they slither
Nodding their heads
At salutations and lies
Thinking that they are immune
To God and man.  

But everything that is fake
Is doomed to fail
Collapsing of its own weight
Rotten and dead. 

Let them eat it all
And become bloated and full
Gorging themselves
With rancid evil. 

For this also, shall die
And cook in its fat
Simmering forever
Not quite alive
And not quite dead.  

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