Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fair Thee Well

Fair Thee Well 5/27/2014

What if you found out
That everything was a lie
And that wrong was right
And right was wrong. 

What would you think?
And what would you do?
If everything you worked for
Was gone in an hour. 

But isn’t that the truth
That no one wants to hear
That we are nothing but pawns
In someone else’s nightmare.

Raised like chickens
And fattened like calves
Socially engineered
To accept and believe.

Obedient, flexible
Foolish and fearful
We go along
To get along.

All to protect
What will never last
As our fingers turn to stone 
And crumble into dust.

I have abandoned my heart
Bruised, scarred and bleeding
Resigned to the fact
That this world is doomed
And dying. 

But if all that we know
Is nothing but an illusion
Then what is true and hidden
Must be a whole lot better.   

I am letting this go
Because my best
Will never be good enough
And all my efforts
Nothing but, an exercise.

Who came before
Will always be better
And if not for them
I would have never lived. 

I can be thankful
But also forget
Because no man can change
What we have done. 

The best words still escape
Long before
I can write them down
Coming and going in the gentle breezes
Ruffling my hair. 

But now, I can look backwards
And still crack a smile
Because now I know
That death is dead.

Come fly with me
And let us twist in a spiral
Looping up, over, and down
Again and again. 

What is coming
Will be far better
Containing all that was
Plus so much more.

Eternity has no limits
Either for love or creativity
As we leap from one idea
To another and another. 

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