Thursday, May 22, 2014


Sick 5/22/2014

It might be a virus
Or it might be a germ
But you who needs a Trojan horse
If the back door is open.    

Look in the mirror
And think about tomorrow
The days looming ahead
Full of terror
Legislated genocide. 

That is the plan
And that is the horror
As many are manipulated
To envy and blame.

Objects in space
Hurtle overhead
And God only knows
Who is listening
And who will care.

But only a fool
Would consign his children
To a life of fear,
Subjective limitations,
And thought control.  

The truth matters
Both then and now
Just as valuable this very moment
As it has ever been.

The fix is in
And the pressure is on
Psychological warfare
And spiritual murder.

We are hated
But be happy anyway
Because God will provide
And he will repay. 

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