Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Boiling Point

 Boiling Point 5/28/2014

Open your eyes
And feel with your mind
Because the tension is mounting
With electricity and friction. 

Everywhere you go
And everything you hear
Is building up to something
Unpredictable and flammable. 

The match is lit
And the deeds are done
As everything comes unraveled
In a horrific frenzy. 

But not everything
That’s real
Can be seen
Or measured.

Some laugh at the dead
And ridicule the dying
Humiliating the good
Every chance they get. 

See their cold, dead reptilian eyes
Lifeless, and cruel
As they scan the crowd
Looking for something to steal
Or someone to attack.

The world is restless
And many are scared
Very well aware
That they are the hated
And the hunted.  

Blamed for every problem
And hounded into extinction
Bled out slowly
One drop at a time. 

We debase ourselves
And lay down like fish
Flopping on the deck
And chopped up at will. 

When they talk of peace
Beware of war
Because God knows man
And his hateful heart.   

But here is the secret
That many do not know
That nothing lasts forever
Not even this
And not even death.  

The thinnest veil
Is all that separates
What we see
And what is there.

All around you
And all around me
The spirits cry out
Begging us to listen. 

A flame flickers in my heart
Fueled by the spirit
That dwells within
An undeserved gift
For all who ask. 

It burns
And cannot be put out
So what threat should I fear?
And from whom does it come?

We shall ride across the sky
Without restraint or limits
With the truth on our lips
And fire in our nostrils.

All of this is over
And all of this is done
With nothing left to wait for
Except the call
And the hour. 

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