Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas Past and Present

Christmas Past and Present   12/29/2014

There was no snow
And the sun dried up
All the rain
As we woke up
And rubbed our eyes.

The kids tore open their gifts
And I picked up the pieces
With an throbbing head
And an aching back. 

We took pictures
And ate our feast
Drinking sparkling juice
From fluted glass. 

The sounds pulse in my ears
Long after all is put away
As gather all the debris
From another holiday’s revelry.

We give and we get
But then we roll over
Fall asleep
And forget. 

Every single moment is precious
And every single nuance a treasure
Even as we hurry
To decorate
And entertain.

The perfect gift is here
If only it were welcome
Because it must be felt long enough
To take root in our heart. 

The peace that passes all understanding
Is greatest thing to know
A pure and perfect gift
In a world gone mad. 

Nothing has changed
But I now I understand
The magic and the miracle
Once, perfect, and true. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Bailey's Branch

Bailey's Branch  12/24/2014

There is only one past 
But there remains two futures
As we live
In a world of bad choices
Long exploited and lost. 

Foolish and suicidal
We run headlong
Off every ledge
Hijacked by evil men 
Hell bent on destruction. 

In a perfect world
There is no pain
And no deception
But that world branched off
The day we knew.   

The past falls away
Ever more distant
And misunderstood
A place filled with longing
Unfinished and dumb.

It’s getting  harder and harder
To remember her voice
As the distance grows greater
Each and every day. 

The soft voice
Breathless and sleepy
Whispered between her teeth
And tickling my ear.

As I lay on my pillow
And drift in my dreams
I think of then
And I think of her.  

Life goes on
No matter what we do
But a part of me remains
Bleeding forever.   

My world is colorless
And my appetite suppressed
As I no longer desire
All that is left. 

We do our best
And we smile on cue
No matter what we think
Or what others do. 

We bury the symptoms
As long as we can
Hoping against hope
That all will heal. 

I am damaged
And I am marked
Never again to be as whimsical
Or as safe. 

I live guarded
And walk carefully
Tip toeing through a minefield
Of risk and revulsion. 

Nothing is safe
And nothing guaranteed
In a world of boundaries
And limits.

I am quiet
And I no longer weep
Because all the tears in the world
Cannot change a thing. 

The sun rises
And the rain pounds
Against my  window
Beating us down
One wrinkle at a time. 

I will always love you
Even if, I do not try
Because that river was crossed
And I cannot go back. 

Even if, this all unravels
I still have that
A quiet and whispered promise
Across a great white space. 

On the other side
All of this,
Will disappear
Leaving only the good
And the true. 

But the best thing 
May not be, what is there
But rather, what is absent.
And disappeared.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Worlds of Silence

Worlds of Silence 12/23/2014 

Sixteen days of silence 
With nothing but the wind
Whistling through the trees
But even silence can speak 
Everything you need to know. 

Whisper a name in the dark
Forcing it through shriveled lips
Even if no one will hear
And no one will speak. 

We look outwards
And see what we want
But there is a whole lot more
That no one dares to notice. 

We look one way
And then another
Distracted by a three ring circus
Of hoops, absurdity, and flash.

But it’s the other story
That makes all the difference
Swept under the rug
And scrubbed from the record.

We cannot go back
But we can go forward
If we are truly willing to follow
Where ever the truth may lead. 

But if one cannot accept reality
Then they are lost
Scrambling over themselves
With the same old lies. 

Some men build
But others tear apart
And nothing could be more obvious
Now and evermore.

Awaken wings of the night
And take me higher
As the world shrinks 
To pin points in the dark.

In the silent cold
Where we can listen 
To what may be said
Because tonight, like all nights
Is bewitching and dead. 

See the solitary figures
Walking to their cars
And watch the vanishing memories
Of mothers and fathers.

Cover with your wings
The good and innocent
Lest they be snatched
By the cruel or savage.

All that evil ever needed
Was a toehold
Or a tiny crack 
Slithering through
To infect and destroy. 

But that was long ago
And this is now
As the fever grows
And our throat swells.

The cure will hurt
But the disease will kill
As we lay in bed
Wracked with chills. 

Let our wings be swift
And our hearts be like iron
Strong enough 
To burst the vacuum 
Inside out.
This is our world
The one that is to come
Where the silent speak
And all is forgiven.

Where I will remember
And hear your voice
Shaking me awake
For eternity without end. 

Monday, December 22, 2014


Scattered 12/22/2014

The world is dumb
One dimensional and dead
Flat against itself
Unable to question
Or grow. 

Infested, rotten,
And hollowed out
Consumed by parasites
Eating and breeding.  

The lights turn out one after another
As we grow dark
Fumbling around in our emotions
Without truth
Or conscience. 

Liars lie
For power and money
Amassing both
On the heads of others. 

The is more unseen
Than seen
And silence itself
Is the voice of complicity. 

The good are mutilated
Their names mangled
And forgotten
Purposely maligned
Every single day. 

What does it take
For the good to awaken
And what will it mean
If they sleep forever. 

Time ticks downwards
Another day and hour
As we retreat another inch
And become
Smaller and smaller. 

Anyone can listen
And anyone can be watched
But they are not the only ones
Who know what’s in our hearts.

God knows
Even if we hide
And God remembers
Even if we forget.

What is obscured
Will be revealed
Hauled out into the sunlight
For everyone to see. 

The truth outright
And written in the sky
As the roaches scatter
Too little
And too late.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Ship of Fools

 Ship of Fools 12/19/2014

Life is worth nothing
Without courage
and Convictions
Nothing but a clump of cells
Eating, and dying.

If you run
Your enemies are emboldened
And what good are friends
When you are abandoned,
And undefended. 

It gets worse
But never better
As the snake tightens its coils
Around all our necks. 

For some,
Nothing has changed
But they live on borrowed time
And by the time, they wake up
It’s already too late. 

A whole world has disappeared
But some, don’t even know
Glued to glowing screens
Reflecting lives
That were never true at all. 

The streets are boarded up
And what was once quaint
Is now a war zone
Slowly rotting from neglect  
And decay. 

The signs are alien
And the people guarded
Hurrying down empty sidewalks
Past long neglected Victorians
Crumbling before our eyes.

We are silent
And good to a fault
Following the rules
That kill us
Every single day. 

The children cry out
But we do not hear
Numb to the violence
All the time,
And everywhere.

Lord, we are waiting
As I add up, all their names
Trying hard to remember
Each and every one.

Save us, from this evil
Growing like a tumor
Infecting everything
And everyone.

Come quickly
And rescue what is left
As even now, you hold the good
In the palm of your hand.