Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Torch Light

Torch Light    11/18/2014

Right in front of your eyes
The biggest lie ever told
Because nothing is broken
If it never existed at all. 

Anything goes
And everything’s negotiable
Yes even right and wrong
If you are dumb
And will not see.

Timing is everything
And the wolf knows it well
Carefully stalking his prey
Behind spun wool.

It’s always been true
That you had better watch out
Because there is always someone
Licking his lips.

It’s all about to come together
The careful unraveling of time
As pointers move
One tick at a time. 

But even the best laid plans
Cannot control God
And there is always a way
For he who will pray.  

The match lights the fuse
And the fireworks explode
But it’s only a show
To get us to jump. 

The right hand moves
But it’s the left we miss
Carefully positioning the knife
Straight into our back. 

Money and possessions
Can be taken at will
And so can our freedom
If we be mute
And compliant. 

But God will provide
And bless the good
No matter what is done
Or what is taken. 

We shall be protected
And we shall yet prosper
Even while the wicked rot
With all their money
And all their help.     

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