Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Prelude 11/19/2014

Why does it take so long
For us to understand
As we sleep away the decades
And wake up
In a strange land. 

Holding on to tightly
To all the wrong things
And leaving our greatest treasures
To rust in the rain. 

I walked in a circle
Until I was stuck in a ditch
Unable to break out
Of the dumbest of habits. 

Living in my emotions
And immediate feelings
I compared myself to others
In the most foolish of ways. 

The people I knew
The people I loved
I took for granted
As if I could never lose
What was never mine at all. 

Strange and complex we are
At once strong
But also weak
Fighting over nothing
While losing every day. 

What would we be
If we could grasp
What it meant to be direct
And understand
What we need. 

We chase foolish dreams
But fail to get the message
That dreams can only having meaning
When we share them
Without benefit
Or expectation.

What good are words
If they are not for others
Nothing but self-aggrandizing impulses
In a closed loop. 

Let these find their home
Even if it’s only for one
Because prayers can be answered
If only we could see.  

I believe in bigger things
Than all of this
And that is why I try
And why I will. 

Offer yourself
With whatever you can
Never giving up
And never giving in. 

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