Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dragon Slayer

Dragon Slayer    11/12/2014

The smallest of flaws
Can lead to the greatest discovery
But only with creativity
And ingenuity.

And God himself
Has used a few
To crush the many
For those he loves
And saves.  

Today the few,
Are empty handed
As they try and hold the line
Against a numberless onslaught.

Betrayed, handcuffed,
And weighted with burdens
The innocent are targeted
All because of hatred
And jealousy. 

We are not misunderstood
And we are not guilty
But only hated,
Because we are good
And blessed.

Blindfolded, and manipulated
By smoke, mirrors, and explosions
So that we can only see the tip
Poking out of the water. 

But the destroyer lurks
Beneath the surface
Drawing us near
To suffocate and strangle
While we are unaware
And asleep. 

Stalking like a serpent
And waiting in the bush
Unable to survive
Without stealing
Or killing. 

But even death
Will destroy itself
Engulfed in its own hatred
And burning forever. 

Even now
It lashes out in all directions
Seeking to punish all it hates
In a burning spasm of rage.

The darkness will turn to light
But not until its time
As the beasts consume themselves
All the way to the end. 

He who seeks to destroy
Will be destroyed
And he who loves and protects
Will inherit all. 

What seems inevitable
Is nothing but an allusion
As the good shall survive
As the greatest armies perish. 

The dragon still dies
And chokes on its tail
No matter what is said
And what is done.

Remember this
When the walls fall
Remaining faithful
In day and night.

For he who stands now
And perseveres then
Will live
Even if, he dies.

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