Friday, November 21, 2014


Countdown 11/21/2014
I didn’t expect much
But I got even less
As another day sinks down
Dead and gone.

I was forgotten
And I was overlooked
Even though I really tried
With all my heart. 

Perhaps I am deficient
And perhaps I don’t understand
Maybe what I thought was love
Was really nothing at all. 

Words cannot describe
What it feels like
And even the passage of time
Has not lessened
The stinging pain. 

What kind of person
Could ever do that
And go one smiling
Like nothing had happened at all. 

And where is good
When evil wins
Gloating and taunting
At every chance. 

I knew my faults
And I really did try
But like a spurting artery
The bleeding was impossible to stop.

Months, days, and hours pass
And still I wait
For the obvious acknowledgement
That I should know
Will never come. 

Many go on
Oblivious to the truth
Pretending and playing house
Dumb, fake, and stupid. 

Could they really be that wrong
And do they really not think at all
As they skim the surface
Never knowing at all. 

A skin has grown over the wound
But now it bleeds on the inside
Hurting more than ever
With a dull throbbing pain. 

I am alone in a crowded room
As I listen to bits and pieces of conversation
Filtering through the air
All about nothing
And predictably dumb.

I am marked by my mistakes
And I am straightened by rejection
Left with nothing
And found wanting
In the worst possible way. 

The world goes on around me
And everyone pretends
That all is well
While I sit and wait for nothing
Just as sad as yesterday.

The weak will never admit fault
Because they do not have a soul
Unable to survive without lies
And appearance.

Taking pictures and exchanging gifts
They do it all
And make sure I know
As if I could not guess
And had not suffered enough. 

I am tired
And the thoughts wear me down
So I pray to carry on
Through another journey
Around the sun. 

God will heal me
Because this frozen world
Will never be enough
Freezing us all
Heavy, dark, and cold. 

As long as we remain
We will always feel the bite
The kind of longing that hurts
Even when we smile.

Strangers we remain
Even next to each other
More afraid of loss and rejection
Than we are of lies. 

Damn the world
And all of its indifference
Cruel beyond redemption
Callous, soulless, and dead. 

They will yet account
For every deed
And omission
Just like me
And you. 

Live like you are ready
From this moment on
Taking what is left
And making it yours. 

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