Saturday, November 15, 2014


The Formula

Overspent, overloaded
And heavily indebted
All to a future
That no one can pay.

We are a prostrate patient
With tubes going in
And tubes coming out
Weakened by burdens
We never asked to assume.

But the poison comes anyway
Injected directly into our veins
Designed to overwhelm
And suppress.

The final dilution is here
And it should come
As no surprise
Because this also was foreseen
Many centuries before.

We forget,
And we do not listen
As we whistle past the graveyard
On our way to the end. 

Unwilling to confront
And afraid of fools
Who have long bullied
With lies
And persecution. 

But even our life support
Shall be rationed
And denied
All because of hatred
And imaginary privilege.

Welcome to the end
So come, sit down and watch
As it all comes unraveled
And kills on cue. 

Go ahead and lie
And go ahead and argue
But this ship was built to sink
And that is what they wanted. 

Diluted and disenfranchised
We are betrayed by our own
As the needle sinks in
And the plunger goes down.

Dead by a thousand cuts
Added up over time
As we are waited out
Until we are weak
And few. 

All for nothing
But a promise
That’s already been broken
A thousand times before. 

If they will do it to one
They will do it to many
As we swallow it all
And become what we fear. 

The horror unfolds
But who can see the reasons
As obvious as the sun
Burning in the sky. 

We each have a part
And we each have a soul
As I pray for protection
And provision.

There is nothing I have
That cannot be lost
But if we can survive
Then, that is all that matters. 

Evil is changeless
And smiles only,
To buy time
Regrouping every night
To murder, rape and steal. 

Wait not
To lay on a table
But rather act now
No matter what is lost. 

God restores
And God heals
Giving us back
More than enough. 

He will multiply the good
Even against, impossible odds
And the greatest victory
Shall go to the faithful
Who have given their all 
Without hesitation.  

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