Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mash Up

Mash Up 11/4/2014

Every day
And in every way
We either descend into madness
Or channel it
Into something else. 

The urge to live
Is imprinted in our brains
As must as anything else
We fight
To survive.

It’s good to be thankful
But we have bitten the apple
So now we see
And must decide. 

But even the worst of things
Can lead to something good
But only if we know to ask
And be not afraid. 

The sameness of today
Does not end
Unless it is interrupted by good
Or bad. 

Suddenly the world can change
Or it came come unglued
But either way
As long as we live
We still must choose. 

I tried to stay away
And I tried to pull up the covers
But something inside would not let me give up
And would not let me die.

It was dark
But someone switched on the light
Awakening something sleeping inside
Dormant and dumb.

But now that our eyes are opened
There is no excuse
But only just enough grace
To get us through. 

It’s easy to get lost
And it’s easy to get distracted
Chasing after shiny objects
Until we can’t go on. 

Wasting our energy
And depleting our soul
We fall helpless and frail
Without learning at all. 

A fool should have seen it coming
But I never noticed a thing
As I let the current carry me
Wherever it wanted to go. 

The day I started to stand
Was the day I began to lose
As one thing after another
Battered me from every direction. 

If I lose
I can still win
As long as I know
And remember.

But when it counts
We will endure
Even if we lose it all
We gain everything. 

All comes in due time
When even us flightless birds
Soar in the heavens
Here, there, and everywhere. 

We will yet have the feast
That has always been so elusive
As we dine forever
Commiserating, learning and sharing
All that was and so much more.  

As human as we are
Our essence can be tracked backwards
From invisible parts
And we will live
Even if we die. 

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