Thursday, November 20, 2014

Charelston Harbor

Charleston Harbor  11/20/2014

Every king need serfs
And every tyrant
Must have peasants
To use, sacrifice
And hang on his words.

Bought for almost nothing
And guaranteed to be compliant
As long as you lie
And give them bread. 

Unable to fight
And unable to know
They breed and die
On manipulated cue. 

Sometimes a king
Can lose his head
But even a mob is best controlled
By the most obvious lies. 

Playing upon ignorance
And envy
And fanning the flames
Of prejudice and hate.

Pulling down statues
And burning the books
History is erased
And forgotten. 

We lift ourselves up
Out of darkness
Through unimaginable horror
Only to plunge back down
Overly indulged and dumb. 

Unaware of the tumult
That many have seen before
And lying to ourselves
Every step of the way. 

Clay will not stick to iron
So it all falls apart
Changeless as the sun
Burning in the sky. 

If we could learn it all over
Would we have a chance
As we sleep in our beds
And head to the slaughter.

The good may forget
But evil always underestimates
Spending itself in a fire
That burns us all. 

But where is there to run
And where can we escape
When the oceans no longer protect
Or hide.

I have been knocking
And I will keep trying
Praying every day
That we not perish. 

Come quickly
Lest the flame die out
Smothered completely
By time and darkness.

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