Monday, November 24, 2014


Gatehouse 11/24/2014

An animal in the corner
Will do what he does
Snarling and biting
Anyone and everyone. 

But desperate men
Are far worse than dogs
As they plot deceit
And murder. 

Yes, the clock is ticking
And we all should know, by now
What it is, we believe
And where it is,
We stand.

The hands
Click forward
Linear and dumb
Ticking away into nothing
Thoughtless and mechanical. 

We have always wondered
If this is, all there is
As we remain flesh
In a world of death
And cannibalism. 

But if we could live
Our lives over
What would we learn?
If we stayed in safety
And never lost at all. 

The shallow waters are safe
Warm and familiar
But the deep is cold, dark,
And mysterious
A deep chasm of nothingness.

I was plucked out
And dropped in
Unable to swim
And sinking fast. 

I tried to paddle
And I tried to thrash
Desperately trying
To swim up
And out. 

Lost in a deep dark cave
Underwater and all alone
At last I was found
And pulled out

Waking up in a strange land
Unfamiliar and foreign
I am the forgotten ghost
Alien and pale.

But now I am awakened
And now I have seen
That nothing is impossible
And nothing is certain. 

A single word
And a single person
Thrust forward
Can make all the difference
At just the right moment. 

This moment
Was made for you and me
Just because we are willing
And just because we know.

And we can change it all
And save many
But only if we find the courage
And do not back down. 

This is not the first time
That we have been isolated
And this is not the first time
We have been invaded. 

Before we became strong
And built towers
To protect ourselves
And our own. 

Then, as now
We have the past
As a  guide
To learn from
And be warned.

Keeping the faith  
Of those we loved and lost
The kind
That do not run.

They were not forgotten
And neither will we be
No matter how it looks
And what is done.    

Treachery happens
And yes the gate is left open
But he who stands in it now
Shall never be lost. 

Come with me
And defend all we have
And all we are
Completely unafraid
And Unashamed.  

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